As you may already know,
nissyshinjilove is now a Members Only Community! Please reply to this entry before joining! Only when you have left a comment will we be able to approve you!
Thank you for understanding!
In order to be approved, you must do the following:
- Read the comm rules.
- Answer the below questions (by commenting here!)
A) Who is your favorite AAA member (if you have one)?
B) What is your favorite AAA song?
C) How did you first get into AAA?
Please note your answers to these questions can be as short or as long as you like! If you are a new fan, just have fun! Actually, in general, just have fun! ^__^ And thank you for taking the time to respond (and also for understanding!)
Also, if you are hoping to join and A) do not comment to this thread or B) have no way for us to contact you (i.e. your messaging system is set to private or you don't have a personal LJ entry for us to contact you in), then we will be unable to approve you. Sorry, but hope that makes sense!