HI!!! I'm Gabriel!! I like cheese and sandmiches and whatever people food I can get my paw on!!
My nicknames include Gabe and Pest.
So I guess you would like an arrivial story. Well I was born. More detail? My kitty mother is Nermal. My human mother is
nitemare420me. When my mommy went into labor nite was there and made sure that me and my siblings came out okay. She's been watching over me ever sense. We all made it out, all five of us and we were even Nermals first litter. My siblings found new loving homes but I remained with nite and revo. Through thick and thin, the good and the bad, I will be there. There to fart up a storm. Ha HA!!
I'm a very lovable kitty, when I want to be. Pretty vocal too. Some things I like to do is play with Vincent, attaching him while he is sleeping is the best! I'm a prediter! And I enjoy that. Moths and spiders beware! I'm pretty active and will chase things at random. Hair ties are my sworn enemies! When I get tired I prefer to lay on things that are above the floor. Sometimes Vincent and I will share daddys computer chair.
I love my perches in front of any of the windows. My favorite ones are the ones in the kitchin, though. I can lay there for hours and fall asleep while I bask in the sun. Plus I can see soo many interesting things there. If only I could get out the window to chase those pesky squarals. And the window in the bedroom is great for when I want to spy on the nabors, I like to do that every so often.
Some Random Facts About Me..
~I love to go outside, even though I'm not aloud to be out there.
~I LOVE to rub my butt on the carpet.. another big no no. (and you wonder why my nickname is Pest)
~I like to poop when my daddy poops.
I will tell you more if you give me your food!! If not then I am silent. Give Me Your People Food!!!
My catster page...
Gabriels Fanart