hehehe a lil story i wrote for my character on WOW.
I awake to see myself in darkness.....no light no sign of anyone. I scream the name of my loved ones searching for someone who knows me of anything of my past life. I curse the gods with my anger. My whole family......my friends.....my love.......all gone in an instant. For i was a practiconer of the dark arts, but i was not evil i viewed the world with no presence of good and evil. If you say something is evil it just gives it power i used to say.
My beloved, Aerial gone to me now tooken from by the decidate hands of the argent dawn, damn them i say damn them. Accused of using my dark knowledge in attempt to assinate the royal family. Why would I? The love for my country was unbound, I help defeat the burning leigon, i stood against archimondes wrath and this is how they treat me?
As i sit in this darknes i ponder the day that it happend, the day the holy paladins of the argent dawn came. I was not home at the time....i curse my self everyday for this.....i was in the fields picking flowers for my beloved and stoping by the markets for supplies.
I come back to my house, and see my wife being kicked around and bludgeoned to death, my children, Mariek and Marlene sitting in the corner crying with there eyes shut. Reciting ancient incantaitions i summon a voidwalker from the dark depths to protect them, as i rush foward into the fray demanding what is the meaning of this. The leader of the grp steps foward.....a priest...nothing but a clergy man a political by figure in stormwinds already corrupt politcal system. We hear by sentence you, Xelt Aqoulos and your immediate family, by order of the king, to death, for attempted assiantion of the royal family and for praticiing dark acts and attempting to bring back the burning leigon
Shocked i reeled in horror screaming and raving why they did this. In the midst of raving the paladins had defeated my voidwalker and killed my children in front of my eyes, there swords silenced there screams for help. Reciting as fast as i can, flames of hell and brimstone sporuted around me and took 3 of the 6 paladins with them down. The priest though was still alive with his divine magic. Suddenly my body contorted in pain as the priest said the shadow words of pain up on me.
The leader of the paladins, severly scared came to me, his great sword drawn. Any last requets you servent of archimonde? , as i realed in pain i stared directly into the priests eyes and said You shall not enter your pearly gates, and you will never another With the last of my strength i conjured a bolt of shadow and launched it at the priest.
As it flew, the bolt struck him directly in the chest, pulling my hand up i recited the ancient words of magic, a bolt as dark as night came out of my hand and hit the priest in the chest, as he took his last breath a purple shard appeard in my hand as the paladin brought down his sword curising. I had captured his soul, he shall never have it returned.
Light finally breaks thru the darkness, as i come out of the pool of my memories. I see a forsaken standing in front of me.... i reel in horror trying to recite the fastst spell i could think of but, ive been drained of my powers. He tells me not to attack, i am now a brother of the forsaken. Under the command of the Lady Sylvannis. Using what little strengh i have i push my self up looking down at my torn and wrecked body, noticing my head has been reattached to my body.
I swear by my family, and my past life. I will bring destruction and chaos and havoc to stormwind and the alliance. For i am forsaken in both lifes now. My name is not known to me anymore but my last memory.....my familys death inspires me to take a new one.....Decadence.........its meaning like a sweet cherry out of my lips....
I crawl out of the tomb and smell the air around me. Knowing i will have my revenge....for aerial.......for marlene.....for......mariak......