Here's the story: A day in the life of me
I woke up at 8 am on Friday, 9/23 after having tossed and turned throughout the night barely being able to get a good night sleep and it *sucked*. Then onto my usual morning routine: eat breakfast while watching the news waiting for some traffic reports at 8:15 but noooo they had to talk about which !%@%$ celebrities get together blah blah blah blah, got dressed, put on contacts, curled my hair, got into my car at 8:35 and ready to head to the 405. I had to dodge 2 or 3 idiots on the road that morning (like any other morning or day), got to the 405 entrace and surprise surprise the 405 was packed all the way. Cars were moving at 5 mph because why? Apparently those bunch of idiots I had dodged earlier had passed me and got on the freeway first and caused a head-on collision between them. Totally regretted thinking "Alright, still early, no worries class doesn't start until 10" when I pulled up to the kiosk at the SSPS to ask for my permit purchased online and the girl there told me that they don't give them out at that kiosk! WTH! Website totally said all kiosks were able to print them. When I tried another kiosk at West Peltason, the lady there said the printer was not working...grr..Have had enough with all these kiosks, I went to the parking office and got the permit right away..*cough10minscough*. Then I went and parked in the SSLH just because I don't want no bird pooping on my shiny car. Realized too late that I should not have done that 'cuz my whole back was all wet after speed-walking to RH and up the 3rd floor just in time for the 201 class. I thought I could get a seat near the very last so people wouldn't have to suffer watching my wet back and realized that it was all full. So I had to go to the nearest seat and worst still it was a chair reserved for kiddies *there were many of those in the class 'cuz well they still think as adults we would still be able to squeeze into those tiny chairs*. It was so low yo! I had to sink down to be able to write properly.
Prof Jarvo seemed like a nice lady...but first thing she handed out was the homework to be due next Weds., so gave me 4 days to complete. Yeah first day of class and already homework to be done in 4 days!
After the first class, I walked around the school just to get some little exercise in and met with two of my friends (who are sisters) and we chatted about summer and classes and of course *other* friends in which they persuaded me to ask one of my friend whether she is living with her bf (which I did and it turned out to be quite an ugly conversation involving accusation that I went around talking about her behind her back but I set her straight because well like I care her personal life or who she bang in her free time). So we chatted for about 30 mins and my sis,
more_cowbells called and told me she was at In&Out and wondered whether I wanted to join her. Well I don't like to eat hamburger 'cuz well I know how they do it, so I went to Lee's, got a chicken sandwich and a honeydew drink and walked over to In&Out to meet my sis and her friends. So while I was eating and listening to them talking engineering classes and PC games and memory cards, my cousin dropped by to say hello. We agreed to play ping-pong at the ARC after class and then it was 1 pm so I had to run across campus to do some research involving photolysis of Au sample. Got there in time to meet with Theresa (the post-doc) and photolyzed my sample. Then I went to Math 173A (which was fun: the prof was funny and she wore these high-raised pants that were too short) where I learned the different ways they used to write codes/hidden messages and how to get those to the receiver in ancient times. Also found out that the Mongolians hated Chinese mooncake so whatever messages the Chinese wanted to bring across border they would hide them in mooncake..haha.
Then onto Math 112A, which has a young prof that dressed like a TA. He was funny at times but boring. Went to ARC afterwards to play ping-pong with my cousins and as I was heading out to attend the graduate's social/binge drinking party I ran into my sis and well I convinced her to go for the free food...muahaha.. You read that
more_cowbells?? hahaha.
Needless to say when we got there, there weren't any more left so we had to resort to eating Mexican food. After a couple of bites I was about to barf! hate hate mexican food and their nuts (oops beans) So after about an hour we headed home with empty stomachs. I should've just stayed at the gym and worked out...blah.