time for an update

Sep 22, 2004 12:46

Its been a while, its been hectic.

I've been keeping updates on my psion, not yet worked out where the docking port is so I have to try and work out a way to synch it with IR.

Mon 13th September

So as I write this the 8.03 to Marple is skiddoing me on to my new job.

The past three days have been a whirlwind, arkward presentations of gifts and arkward words to people.

Its taken a while to write down the above, the friendly people of Manchester insist on talking to strangers with inhibitions. Poor guy who sat opposite me just got burned for a ticket, but he's station staff and can travel for free. At first I feel arkward but soon I am talking to him like a life long friend. He told me good luck on the job today and to take care, a staggering proposition from some one whom I would normally presume will mug me down in High Wycombe.

15th September
I didn't get to finish the entry yesterday due to the lack of battry. I need to back this up so I can send my psion to be fixed, only I can't find the synch cable. bah.

I think I will fit in at my new job well.

ah, my station, already!

16th September

Only two other people on the train this morning, its quite funny as when it comes in it holds hundereds of people who work in the city. I have reversed the situation and am much happoer for it. I work out in the Peak District (ish) where its quiet and peaceful and I live in the city where its thriving and accessible. Many times before I was frustrated with the suburbs and the way you were tied to a car or infrequent public services (never mention Aylesbury again). Now the leisure time I spend is quantified as I have zero travelling time and I can also be smug like the one or two other people sharing the cabin right now knowing that we can can watch the rat race pass right by us, were taking advantage of the invisible economy, every trip into the city must return and not return empty, so its cheaper to leave than it is to come in.

Settling into the flat well, the buildind acts as a wind break for the canal, so most nights there is a howling (and I mean HOWL) gale at the windows, making it very cold in the flat. The austier 'modern' (or is it 'post modern') furnishings make it colder. However the view of the sun on the water in the morning is so wonderful it makes up for the lack of heat, its as though the whole world is glowing from the inside with life and vitality.

Hopefully my laptop will arrive today (edit: fat chance) and I shall be able to do some proper work, I am eager to start taking support calls and documenting the resolution processes. I have to learn ASP and VB (ado, doa and recordsets) quick. Know a little about the latter but the closest I got to ASP was VB scripting and XML. The new helpdesk system needs to be finished, by me!

and finally (edit: griping again! get it fixed!) I need to get the Psion working with my phone so I can LJ and email pgp from it. Can send email from my phone but I can pickup POP mail from another.com on the Psion. Before that though I need to workout a way to synch it without the cradle, hmmmmm, be quick my laptop. I hope you have IR

I got the laptop, huzzah!

< _snip_ >
weekend of Alaines Graduation (another post tomorrow)

We have been together 5 years today! huzzah! I love her so much more now than I did then.

5 years


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