First one which I've put back for a long looong time (two weeks.), tagged by
List your 7 most precious things, your treasures, which you love and you'd never give away. Then tag other 7 people.
1. My friends. Surprise surprise! I need to fill up this space after all.
2. A certain little white plush bunny...
3. Three special drawings above me and my computer, neatly put into a nice frame.
4. Some of my stuffed animals. Gifts in general are quite important and shouldn't be given away.
5. A heart-shaped lollipop I received as Easter present. Love~!
6. My black dreamcatcher, even though it doesn't work properly ;_;...
7. My iPod. It helps in keeping my sanity.
Second one, a more recent one for once:
Got tagged by
katzii 1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
1.) One fact: I love English! Else I wouldn't write an entry on English at 3 am, dammit.
2.) I'm lazy as hell and it's becoming worse and worse every day.
3.) As a result of my lazyness I always end up doing things shortly before the deadline.
4.) Even though I'm a sloth I do get completely wrapped up in certain things. If something's catched my attention you can be sure I won't let go of it too soon. But if I do happen to take a break, it'll be a long one :/.
5.) I prefer staying up all night, therefore if you live in the same time zone as me or at least in a close one, chances are you'll rarely meet me before ~5 pm.
6.) I rarely download any music myself. I let my lovely dealers share theirs with me XD.
7.) It's impossible for me to fulfill that "tag X other people" requirement of memes. Why? Because either everyone has been tagged already or I just don't know enough people to tag. Memes are fun and I'll happily do them - but don't expect me to help spreading them.
2. Tag seven people to do the same:
...See 7.).
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.