And it's posting time again :)
Big Bang So much great fic.
This was a last minute pinch hit for
Autopsy of the Heart by
You must read this fic, it's got - how did she put it again..? It’s super thinky/philosophical (and there’s rimming somewhere). Only in slash, people, do we have warnings like this, only in slash…
*snicker* What else could you possibly want?
I have not gotten to hear
the-sell-out's mix yet, but I'm sure it is equally awesome :)
Why are you here again?
Oh right! The art!
Click here for BIG and DOWNLOADABLE I am super effing proud of this one. Not only did I crank it out in one shot in one sitting but I finally drew a recognizable Reboot!Bones!
And what the hell - Have some icon-y stuff