D&D.. old school..

Feb 03, 2010 21:57

so I finally made it to the tuesday night group of Madison Traditional Gaming.. well..
not really the group itself..
but the guy that runs the tuesday night group does the Madison Traditional Gaming stuff when they actually get together..

I've run into him both times at Madison Game Day.. good gm.. nice guy..

currently they are playing a D&D variant called Labyrinth Lord.. but they are basically the same game, just as Castle&Crusades is basically the same game..

rules-light.. old school gaming..
let the players think and have fun sort of gaming..

I got there a bit early.. and waited..
I waited some more.. people started showing up for various events: there was another gaming group in the back.. some guys get together and paint mini's.. and I guess there is a magic: the gathering tournament every tuesday as well..
then an older guy showed up.. laid out some Labyrinth Lord stuff
I almost talked to him then..
come on now..
this is me..
so I stumbled around the store some more till another guy showed up..
then I waited a little bit longer..
and then I wandered over

they were indeed part of the MTG.. Victor (the gm guy) was simply running late

he got there though.. and I rolled up a character.. 3d6.. straight down the line
after listening to how they keep getting smacked around I decided to break my own tradition..
and not play a half-ling..er.. I mean thief
and made a cleric..
now.. since this was basic D&D.. that meant I was human

I ended up with decent stats and I am now trying to think of the characters back story.. since.. I can't really play a character that doesn't have a good background to him (or her.. Nix is talented like that)

We got to the dungeon.. and instantly we proved what stalwart heroes that we were..
by running away from almost anything that saw us
first there were some goblins that shot at us with some arrows.. but.. they dropped caltrops and ran away before we could get to them..
we decided to run away as well..
we then proceeded down some stairs to the second level (the rest of the group had already been to the dungeon.. they simply kept getting beat up and eaten by giant toads.. or giant flying vampire toads as the pc described them)
to get to the stairs though we had to get past an ogre.. apparently they have a standing deal with the ogre and pay him off in food to get past him.. a side of beef was tossed over and the heroes moved onward
we then skirted past some giant grasshoppers (not sure why.. but we did) and got past a screaming skeleton only to come face to face with what made the giant grasshoppers run away..
giant flying lizards..
somewhere.. there is a giant garden.. I just know it

we retreated into the hallway as it was more defensible..
I figured that staying in the larger room would have given us the advantage since there were more of us.. but.. the rest of the group thought differently so we retreated..
however.. this left two thieves in the front row.. as one got snacked on I cast my one 'heal light wounds' as he ran away
a character in the second row (there were three rows..) moved up.. and my character was still stuck being rather useless..
the remaining thief dashes under the giant lizards to attack them from behind
clang clang clang..
several rounds go by..
and the monsters are dead..

I vote that we carve the bastards up for loot.. but.. we move on instead

we pass by some glowing slimes..
run away from a giant black widow..
and then have to make our way past some hobgoblins (the main objective for todays incursion..)..
the rest of the party had spent time trying to find some stuff that would smoke the hobgoblins from their little hide-y hole..
this plan failed..
we ended up smoking ourselves out..
we ran away :-D

we moved further into the dungeon.. avoiding the stairs down cause.. well..the deeper you go the worse things would get
but before we quit for the night we found a small treasure room..
huzzah.. goldz!!!

overall.. good game..
bought a couple of mini's while I was waiting..
bought some pr0n before I got there..
most importantly..
I bought..


They're green.. and neat-o.. and with copper-y markings :-D
I'll pick up a couple of extra d6 that match the set.. so I can make characters with 'em..
but.. they're the first dice I've bought in a very long time
and.. one can never ever ever ever ever ever ever have too many dice


gaming, update

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