(no subject)

Aug 13, 2011 19:41

All colour bars are made by me, nixbix22.

This colourbar journal is Friends-Only. I will only be sharing bars for people added onto this journal's f-list, but making bars for people who request them.

If you take a colourbar I made, please follow these three rules.

ONE: Upload to your own server. I don't care where or how you do it, as long as you upload. If you don't know how, ask. I'll probably teach you how.
TWO: Comment. I like to keep track of where the babies go.
THREE: Credit. It's already included in the code so basically, don't mess with the code. If you do, then I better see a "Made by nixbix22 OR nixcolourbars" somewhere on your userinfo.

Requests are open to everyone (even those who aren't added to the f-list) Feel free to drop requests at the Request Post, and I'll try to make them as soon as I can.

If you wanna add this journal to see ALL my colourbars, add me first. Or else I won't add you.

DO NOT comment with requests on THIS POST. I will ignore them.

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