Title: Fealty
Rating: K
Pairing: Castle/Beckett <3
Summary: All it takes to remind Beckett.
A/N: I really don't like this one, but if I used that as an excuse I'd never post again. So, I'm throwing it to the wolves.
Word Count: About 200
Beckett could remember the last time she felt this light. She vividly recalled such high spirits and an optimistic view of her life not more than four months prior to this moment. That ease of existence, where you wake up in the morning without fear of your world crumbling around you. That delight in which you are capable of seeing the comfort in tomorrow being one moment closer to your wildest dreams.
It had been four long months. She had not been able to take refuge in her delusions of happiness and potential romantic escapades. Not since he wrapped his hand around another woman's and strolled from her sight with steps filled with gaiety.
She wondered how she had become so lost in her fantasy world, allowing reality slip past her so quickly that it was gone before she realized it. Too far gone, she thought. Just like he was. With another woman.
But now...
In a sudden rush, all her demons were driven far from her mind. He was here. He was back. And she could already feel the warmth spreading from the pit of her stomach to her heart, reminding her of what could be.