Title: Wager (10/12)
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Rating: T
"Let me up."
"Shuddup already. No more talkin'"
"So help me God, Castle, I will hurt you."
She continued to shove at his limbs futilely. Every time she managed to free herself from an arm, his leg would pin her to the bed. When she managed to squirm out from beneath his leg, his arm would find its way around her again. Just as she was about to threaten death in the most painful description she could conjure up, his hand covered her mouth to silence her.
"Juss sleep," he instructed, beginning to drift off. "Ugh! D'you bite me?"
"If you ever do that again, I will shoot off each and every appendage on your body."
She made one final attempt to escape from his grasp before her exasperation gave way to exhaustion.
"Was that so hard?"
And the aggravation was back ten-fold.
"I hate you."