The Walking Dead

Nov 30, 2011 10:17

It's been forever since I've posted! And the mid-season finale of Walking Dead was this past Sunday and it was soo good - so I must talk about it.

So in case anyone was not aware, The Walking Dead is about what happens after the world is overrun by zombies ie "walkers". It's about this group of survivors (who are in Atlanta - yay) and just how they get by. Main character is a guy named Rick who is/was a cop - who when the walkers started was actually in a coma. He wakes up and has to go find his wife and son.

So this is the 3rd season. Last season ended with them going to the CDC and finding out that they were trying to find a cure but hadn't yet. The only guy working there ended up blowing up the building. The group leaves and is on their way to Fort Benning.

While on the way, they encounter a ton of cars on the road and try to get through them. They have a few different cars but the RV they have breaks down. They start going through the abandoned cars to find something to fix it. While they are waiting, a group of walkers comes through. They all hide. One of the women - Carol has a young daughter named Sophia. When almost all of the walkers are gone, she makes a noise and a walker hears her. He goes after her (she's hiding under a car) and she gets out and runs into the woods. They are on the interstate so there are woods on either side. Two walkers go after her so Rick runs after them. He gets to her and tells her to hide while he distracts the walkers and kill them. He doesn't want to shoot them because the sound would bring more walkers. He tells her to wait for him - to not move.

Of course when he comes back she is gone. So most of the season is spent looking for her. They are out looking for her one time and it's just Carl (Rick's son), Shane (another cop) and Rick. They come across a deer and Carl goes up to it. While looking at the deer a guy shoots the deer but it goes thru the deer into Carl. So the guy that shot him takes Rick to a farmhouse where he lives so the owner - Hershel - can help save him. Eventually the whole group of survivors comes to the farmhouse to wait while Carl gets better. And they want to stay so they can continue to look for Sophia.

After a while Hershel says that they need to leave. Glenn - one of the survivors - goes to the barn on the property and founds out there are tons of walkers locked up inside. Turns out that Hershel believes they are just sick and can be saved. His wife and step son happen to be in there as well. The group of survivors knows better and wants to kill them all.

Rick makes a deal with Hershel that he will not kill the walkers if he lets them stay on the property - his wife Lori is pregnant and he wants to stay at the farmhouse where they are safe. They find two walkers and Rick and Hershel are bringing them back to the barn. When Shane sees them he goes nuts. He ends up shooting one of the them and is like - how is she still walking if she's just sick etc etc. Kills her finally and then goes to bust open the barn doors.

Walkers start coming out and they start killing them. Once it looks like all of them are dead, you can hear another one slowly coming out. The last one comes out and it's Sophia!!! Now - the entire season so far has been about trying to find her. Darryl - one of the survivors had found her doll on one of his searches and had talked to her mom a lot. And they really thought they would find her. So to finally see where she was - but she's a walker - is soo heartbreaking. They watch her walk towards them. Rick - who already had felt really guilty because he thought it was his fault that she was missing - because he had left her there - finally comes up and is the one to shoot her.

Sooo sad!!

Such a good show - but Allen thinks it moves too slowly.

the walking dead, tv

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