Snagged from
sparia_ll What were your first's? A-Z Quiz
1. Who was your first prom date?
2. Who was your first roommate?
ugh .. Desiree (first and last!)
3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Champagnie New Years Eve .. think i was 13
4. What was your first job?
5. What was your first car?
dont drive
What happened to 6&7???
8. Who was your first grade teacher?
can't remember, 2nd grade was mrs. hall
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
from New Jersey to Oregon
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
on my own, then off with my firend mandy to meet up with some sailors!
11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
Torry Wardwell .. and no sadly we are not
12. Where was your first sleep over?
Torry Wardwells house . my best friend when i was 4 yrs old .. it was great!
13. Who is the first person you talk to in the morning?
either the dog, or hubby .. depends who i see first
14. Whose wedding were you in the first time?
Never been in a wedding, except my own
15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
take meds, walk dog, get caffine (in a zombie state)
16. What was the first concert you ever went to?
Def Lepard
17. First tattoo or piercing?
My ears when i was 10
18. First celebrity crush?
god this is embarassing .. Scott Baio *headdesk!!*
19. First crush?
Kurt Rightcart (6 yrs)
20. First love?
well i thought he was .. my ex husband .. David
21. When was your first detention?
wow, there were so many .. 5th grade .. but it wasnt my fault!
23. First Kiss?
When i was 6 .. my first boyfriend Kurt Rightcart .. hehe!
(first guy i slept with too!(double sleeping bag) *giggle*
24. Who was the first person to break your heart?
wow .. cant remember the assholes name! Eric maybe?
25. Who will be the first to repost this??
Repost as Who was your first :)
A-Z Quiz/Answers
[A]- AVAILABLE: Nope, Married
[B]- BIRTHDAY: December 13th
[C] - CRUSHING?: always!
[D]- Drink you last had?: Diet Mt. Dew o'course
[E] - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Probably Jackie
[F] - FAVORITE BAND: Simon & Garfunkel
[G] - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Bears are ALWAYS better then worms, but i dont like either!
H]- HOMETOWN: Houston, Texas (currently)
[I]- INSTRUMENT(s): Used to play the flute
[J] - JUICE: Orange or Cran-grape
[K] - KILLED SOMEONE: No, but it is tempting sometimes!
[L] - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Texas to New Jersey when i was 8yrs old (are we there yet?)
[M] - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Chocolate!!
[N] - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: One, younger brother
[O] - ONE WISH: My own house! (morgage and all) *sigh*
[R] - REASONS TO SMILE: HPDH release is getting closer!
[S] - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Hotel California
[T] - TIME YOU WOKE UP: around noon
[U] - UNDERWEAR: what underwear? *shifty eyes*
[V] - VEGETABLES: Salad .. (if only pasta was a veggi!)
[W]- WORST HABIT: Smoking, to emotional, and Bitchy (wow loony we could be twins!)
[X] - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: EEG, MRI, Chest, CatScan ..
[Z]- ZODIAC SIGN: Sagitarius