Oh, it's just a meme.
- Leave a comment saying "ORANGES"
- I'll respond by asking you five question.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions, if you so choose.
And now, responses to
nova_sonya :
1) Would you ever cut your hair?
That depends on how my hairline changes and balding patterns that develop. If it starts to look ridiculous, I'd definitely consider it. It's been working for me for 15 years so far, so I can't really see an unprovoked change in the near future. Every time I start thinking about it I get a minor revolt from the folks in my life.
2) Out of everyone who comes in and helps us at the club, you travel the farthest, yet you are one of the most reliable people. Why do you haul your ass all the way down to the club to help out, especially on days when we aren't open for play?
First off, thank you. I greatly appreciate the compliment. I have a firm sense of attachment to The Crucible, the members, the staff, the community and lifestyle it operates in and represents. To me it's never been a question of should I help out, but when can I. I'm a shy, introverted, professional geek kinkster, and there aren't a lot of places I belong. This community, this club, this lifestyle.. it's what calls me home.
3) Are you religious?
No. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm spiritual. The current theory is that there isn't enough room left over from my ego to allow for a diety to be involved.
4) What was the absolute best meal you have ever eaten in your life?
I wish I had that kind of memory for food! What sticks out the most in my mind isn't so much the food itself but the situation surrounding it. The first day
spiralsong and I first moved into the apartment we're in now we were dead tired from the work and just worn out. We found a menu in the hallway from a local chinese restaurant and ordered in. The food was good, but sitting exhausted and accomplished at our table that wasn't even in it's place yet, surrounded by half unpacked boxes and reveling in the joy that is central air conditioning after not having it for years made for a very nice meal.
5) I know I know this story but for the life of me I can't remember the answer. Where did Niy come from?
Niy is short for Niyamas. Niyama comes from sanskrit, for observances or non-restraints, and Niyamas is the second branch of classical yoga, named for the observances associated with that branch. It's something my mentor used to call me, largely as a pun/joke to get me to pay attention to my surroundings, many many moons ago. It just kinda.. stuck, even all these years after he's passed.