Title: Twilight
soukoji &
jibunnohanaRating: R
Summary: Halfling, tainted, unworthy - words the angel Sakito ignored living among the heavenly creatures he so adored and aspired to be. But naivite has its limits, and Sakito's fateful meeting with an ancient incubus proved to him that that there's more to goodness than pure white wings.
Notes: Really short chapter (sorry), but important plot wise. This is a little over half finished now!
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Sakito paused outside the heavy, gilded office door, struck by two things that gave him pause. One, the door was ajar, unusual for the black-and-white sensibility of the majority of the heavenly host, and two, there seemed to be urgent voices talking quietly inside. He couldn't recognize one of the speakers, but the other masculine tone was clearly the angel that had given him the assignment Sakito was now on his way to cancel.
Curiosity, perhaps mixed with a tiny bit of suspicion, drove him to creep forward and listen in on their conversation. Stealth was not his forte, but the two men inside were too engrossed to notice the faint creak of the floorboards outside.
"Should we really be doing this?" Sakito thought the stranger sounded somewhat nervous.
"I don't see how it's going to make a difference. He's completely expendable, more of a nuisance to society anyway. This way we're taking care of two problems at once."
"True, but this Niya is smart. What if he catches wind of what we're up to first?"
The mention of Niya's name peaked the angel's interest, and he leaned closer to the door in order to better hear the response. A deep chuckle resonated through the door. "I suppose it's possible, but Sakito is a bumbling idiot. He couldn't have survived. Now all we have to do is wait for news of his...unfortunate death and the conflict will start by itself."
The word 'unfortunate' dripped with purposeful sarcasm, and it was then that Sakito fully realized what was intended. They were trying to use him as bait to start a war with the demons. He didn't wait to hear more, but turned and left as calmly as the painful lump rising in his throat would allow. That the holy leaders were warmongering was no huge surprise - both sides were constantly out for each other's blood - but his own unwitting involvement and disgraceful image in the eyes of his idols was more than the angel could take. Where Sakito's feet were leading him, he wasn't sure.