Title: “I’ll Keep Screaming Until You Understand: I’ve Been Here, Here, Here Forever”
normative_jeanFandom: General Hospital
Characters/pairings: Robin, Maxie, Lulu, Sam, Kristina, and the whole damn cast (allusions to multiple couples in various stages of relationship drama, but fairly gen)
Rating: PG-13 (gun violence and language)
Word count: ~27,600
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Comments 17
This was so friggin' awesome, and everything just *fit* so well, the roles that each of these ladies would take. They didn't all of a sudden become ninja action heroes, but each used their own strengths, skills and cunning. Loved it!
And Anna Devane to the rescue!
You know, it's funny. For all the fandoms represented in this ficathon, there have been very few that I'm actually familiar with.
You tease me. Is there an Ethan/Kristina deleted scene? PLEASE show it to me. If not, tell me at least what was going to go down?
And I agree...the three sides of my 'Unholy Trinity' are all delicious.
Seriously, she could write outtakes of this fic for the rest of her life and never finish.
And the ending is so not a cop out, what are you talking about?
So when she sent me this it was completely a surprised and I flailed a lot.
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