I am so very glad that JKR talked about George having kids and Ron going into business with him (although I'd rather it had been Percy than Ron.) There has been a certain segment of fandom that is so convinced that George couldn't go on without Fred. A couple of people have even said that they hoped he'd die soon so he wouldn't have to live without his brother. And I'm very sorry, but that's a gigantic load of crap.
No, George wouldn't just "get over" Fred's death. It's tragic, and he's going to miss his brother for the rest of his life. But that doesn't mean that George's life is over as well, and it doesn't mean that he has to wallow in grief for the rest of his days. He'll mourn. He'll let go. Someday he'll be happy again, even if Fred's loss is always in the corner of his mind. That's how life works. Writing him off as another casualty of the war is just melodrama, and the character has been written as stronger than that.