If all goes according to carefully laid plans... in a few months I'll be living, researching, and singing along to Kenny Chesney songs in honky tonks in Nashville, Tennessee.
What a strange thought.
Also, it took me two attempts to spell Tennessee properly.
I've spent the last year kind of waffling over whether or not to go to grad school. I decided definitely to take time off, but as to whether I'll do the grad school thing I wasn't sure for some time.
A few weeks ago I finally realized that if I don't pursue some form of higher higher education (whether PhD or Masters or JD or whatever) I'll regret it. That's unfortunately the only thing I'm sure of. So, plan is to go to grad school! ....Eventually.
In the interim I'm looking at various research opportunities. I want to broaden my knowledge a bit (okay, a lot). Don't get me wrong, I've had such a fantastically rewarding experience with cognitive science research in this lab at UCI.... but I have this nagging doubt that I've had such good times partially because of the science but mostly because of my wonderful advisor and fantastic 'coworkers' (grad students are people too). I honestly like journal articles, love brains, and enjoy the mental challenge, but you should question your own ulterior motives every now and then, right? I think a research assistantship elsewhere will address my admittedly cautious doubts.
Also, I just really want to live, travel, and experience new things. :P
A few weeks ago there was a posting made on a vision science email list about a research assistantship with the Perception and Neuroscience Lab at Vanderbilt University, under the direction of Frank Tong. Info about the position is
here if anyone cares, but the short end of it is that I am actually somewhat qualified and I think this would let me grow exponentially as a vision scientist. It's actually interesting research, in a good lab, in a good department, full-time, paid, right up my alley, paid, and in a city that actually has some character! And paid. And interesting! I'm kind of ridiculously (and yes prematurely but shut up) excited, actually. I mean... Nashville!
I'm hopefully sending in my application - my CV (like a resume), statement of intent, and three named references - tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed! If I don't get this, hopefully I'll find other opportunities when I go to a conference in May.
So, yeah, in about six months I may be migrating from Irvine!
Good riddance, bubble city. :P
....This song actually isn't half bad is kind of awesome.