Title: In Which Shige Doesn’t Answer Ryo’s After-Midnight Calls
Word Count: 800+
Rating: PG
Summary: Four times Ryo called Shige in the night and the one time Shige finally picked up.
Notes: for
trivialaffair because she wrote
this lovely ficlet (the incentive) for me so I’m writing something for her. This is prompt 34 from the
Week 1:
While it has become less of a completely phenomenal event when Ryo calls him, Shige still finds it surprising when he finds a missed call from him blinking wearily from his mobile. Because they have yet to become the best of friends, Shige feels guilty for not having picked up, even if Ryo called in the middle of the night.
So the moment Ryo arrives at work, Shige excuses himself from his conversation with Massu and immediately greets him.
“Good morning.”
“I’m sorry I missed your call last night.”
“No; I’m sorry,” Ryo pauses in the middle of his apologetic half bow, as if thinking something over and then gruffly says, “Pick up next time.”
When Ryo walks away to compete with Yamapi in push-ups, Shige stares after him in disbelief because the older man just apologized even though it was technically his fault. While he feels somewhat guilty, sometimes Shige thinks that Ryo is the weirdest person he knows.
Week 2:
Shige blinks and points at himself, “Me what?”
“Didn’t I say pick up the phone when I call?”
“You called again?” Shige pulls out the handheld device and checks the missed calls list. The first one on the list was Ryo, with the timestamp 2:34. He shakes his head, “I had my phone off!”
“Keep your phone on!” Ryo barks.
“The battery died!” Shige informs waving his mobile as if to give visual evidence in his defense, “I had to charge it!”
Ryo blinks. “Oh.” He considers it. “Get a second phone.”
“I don’t need a second phone. Quit being unreasonable.”
Ryo frowns and stomps towards the exit muttering something about his need for a cigarette.
Week 3:
“Why didn’t you pick up last night?”
Rolling his eyes, Shige explains, “Because I was asleep.”
Ryo is not impressed. “You’re really annoying, you know that right?”
“For sleeping?” Shige asks incredulously.
“Yes!” Ryo says before storming off to sit next to Tegoshi. Tegoshi’s face lights up as he pats Ryo’s head similar to what he does to puppies. Ryo closes his eyes and is calm within minutes.
Shige decides that Ryo seriously needs a new definition for annoying. Or therapy.
Week 4:
The moment Shige steps into the dressing room, he makes a beeline for Ryo and hurriedly asks, “Why can’t you call in the day time like normal people?”
“Why can’t you answer your phone like normal people?” Ryo retorts, with his face contorted in an expression no more pleased than Shige.
Shige’s cheeks flame in annoyance as he attempts to emphasize his point by shouting, “It’s the middle of the night!”
“Well, if I called, it must mean that there’s something important I want to say.”
“That it can’t wait for day time?”
“There’s a reason I call at night!”
“And that is?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“That you enjoy tormenting me?”
Ryo is livid, as if he can’t believe Shige’s level of stupidity. Shige does not seem to notice the other’s expression and remains scowling. Koyama sighs, steps up to the two of them, and places his body between them in case the punches start flying. Ryo glares at Shige over Koyama, and makes a noise of frustration before leaving the room for nicotine to calm his nerves. Shige shakes his head and sits back down, muttering darkly to himself. Koyama wonders why they’ve been arguing more than usual, but shrugs and dismisses it.
Week 5:
“Hello?” Shige mumbles sleepily into his phone.
“You picked up.” Shige can hear the awe in the other man’s voice.
“Because I’m hoping that if I pick up, you’ll stop this nonsense,” Shige mutters into his pillow as he attempts to balance his mobile on his face without having to hold it. “Ryo, why do you keep calling in the middle of the night?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually pick up,” Ryo says as if talking to himself on the other end of the line. “I was thinking about something and couldn’t fall asleep so I thought I’d call you.”
“Try counting sleep…” Shige yawns, taking a hold of his phone and turning over in his bed for a more comfortable position. He hears Ryo laugh on the other end. “What?”
“You just told me to count sleep.”
“Shut up,” Shige grumbles tiredly as he pulls his blanket over his head. “I’m exhausted. If all you want is to make fun of me, I’m going to turn my phone off now.”
“I told you, I only call if it’s important.”
“What is it?” Shige says impatiently.
There’s a pause, and Shige waits. When Ryo’s answer seems to take longer than usual, Shige murmurs through his yawn, “Nishikido Ryo, if you hung up, I’m going to kill you.”
“I like you.”
Shige blinks in the dark, suddenly feeling much more awake. “What?”
“Good night.”
There is silence and the words ‘call end’ flash on the screen of his phone before disappearing. Shige can’t sleep for the rest of the night and decides that he will kill Ryo the next time he sees him anyway.