I'm leaving to visit family; I'll be back in three weeks! Hopefully with Drabbles and stuff. In the mean time, Drabbles?
Fandom: Super Tennis, Doctor Who
Super Nadal inputs the code to his sonic tennis racket and the deadly weapon immediately shrinks to an extremely convienient, handheld, travel size that he slipped into his today, neon orange super-outfit. He looks at the man, who introduced himself as the Doctor. Super Nadal really wanted to ask him 'Doctor who?' and only just refrained from doing so because he's a nice guy like that.
"And you are a Time Lord?" Super Nadal repeats skeptically, because being a super tennis star hero was one thing, but aliens? That's a whole new realm of weird. "If you're an alien, how are you speaking my language?"
"I'm not. You hear whatever you want to hear," the Doctor explains. "I'm an Alien!"
Super Nadal frowns because seriously... aliens? Not possible.
"Mm... I'm not sure I understand."
The Doctor sighs before patting Super Nadal on the shoulder and handing him an elongated fruit. "Here, have a banana."
And then Nadal stares at the yellow fruit in his hand, frowning. "Why would I need a banana?"
"Potassium, energy, good for your heroic deeds of saving Earth," the Doctor is grinning in a slightly maniacal and adoring way that makes Nadal uneasy.
"Okay. Thanks."
The Doctor grins, "Good luck with Super Federer! And watch out for that Djokovic kid!"
Fandom: sunc
"What do you mean we're performing in the US?!" ShinLynn demands from WonWon, clearly unhappy with the idea to expand their market.
"I mean we're doing a US concert," WonWon explains patiently, spreading the plans on the table for everyone to see. "We're going to LA."
"This is so exciting! They'll actually understand each and every word we say during the MCs! I knew I was going to take over the world!" Luna says, looking over the blueprints they have of the venue and stage.
"Wow, we're really famous aren't we?" Draco says happily amazed. "We should tell all our home friends to come!"
"No! No we should not! Why are we performing in the US?" ShinLynn demands again, pouting. "I don't want to perform in the US."
WonWon gives ShinLynn a look because usually, only Luna is so vocal about... well... anything. "Our fanbase is large enough there that we're doing a small concert. It won't be too flashy, not like Tokyo Dome."
"Isn't it cool that we're famous at home too?" Draco asks, already sketching a design for the concert on the corner of her copy of the schedule. "We're like real pop stars now!"
"We're going international! Like a full concert international! Take that SA!" Luna laughs, eager to call Lyra to gloat.
"Our songs are all in Japanese!" ShinLynn tries again. "We're not even really singers!"
"Lynn, calm down," WonWon says, as excited as Luna and Draco. "Don't think about all that and just think of it as another concert."
"You realize our parents are probably going to be there."
But no one is listening to ShinLynn, and she sighs because her friends are going to find out, come, and then make fun of her.
Fandom: sunc
"Oh my god, I hate nature," Luna moans as she hides under her ugly straw hat that everyone has told her was hideous but she didn't care because she hated the sun.
"I hate the lack of indoor plumbing," ShinLynn mutters, trying her best to not spill the bucket of fresh water she just retrieved from the stream.
WonWon drops a bunch of branches by a circle of rocks, wipes her brow with the back of her hand and sighs. "I wish we had insect repellant."
"Cheer up, Guys! This'll be fun," Draco chirps cheerfully as she attempts to start a fire with her glasses. Nothing really happens except her staring at the wood in concentration.
sun sighs and gives dirty looks to the cheerful camera crew.
They finally start a fire at the sacrifice of one of ShinLynn's textbooks. There was much cheering but then, ShinLynn's tending to the fire, making sure it doesn't go out while Draco goes gather more firewood. WonWon is trying to figure what to do about shelter because that suddenly became extremely important because the filming staff starts saying something about possible rain and Luna's hiding under a tree.
"Guys, I just thought of something. What do we do about food?" WonWon asks suddenly as night begins to descend and they have enough wood to get through the night.
They blink at each other, and then Luna cries, "Oh my god, we're all going to die from starvation."
Draco's blinking, and her eyes look twice as large as usual when she's blinking back her tears. "What're we going to do?"
"We're not all going to die," ShinLynn says resolutely, clapping Luna on the shoulder to get the girl's attention. She looks Luna in the eyes and says very seriously, "Luna, if it comes down to it, you're going to have to sacrafice yourself for the greater good."
"You're going to eat me?" Luna shrieks, backing away from ShinLynn and getting as close to WonWon as possible, because the leader's job is to protect everyone. "WHY ME? WHY CAN'T WE EAT YOU? OR WONWON? OR DRACO?"
ShinLynn looks ready to argue her point but then Draco jumps from her seat on the log and says, "WE DON'T NEED TO EAT! WE'LL SURVIVE ON LOVE!"
"Okay, you survive on love; I need my meat."
"ShinLynn's right. Luna, you've been useless on this trip so you're going to have to sacrifice yourself," WonWon agrees, patting the diva in reassurance. "Don't worry, we'll tribute the next concert tours to you."
Luna abandons WonWon and runs to Draco for protection.
Fandom: NEWS
"I hate amusement parks," Ryo growled, glaring at the small children running around with exasperating parents chasing after them. He bet that they were likely cursing having gone there for 'family bonding' instead of going to the playground. At least then the kids weren't are sugar and Disney character highs.
"I'm glad this is such a fun date for you then," Shige deadpanned, staring at the map in his hands as he wondered whether it would be better to go on Peter Pan's Adventure or Pirates of the Caribbean after Space Mountain. Both lines were insanely long.
"Everyone is mean and jumping the queues and just bastards in general," Ryo continued as if he hadn't heard Shige before a group of teenagers shoved past them in attempt to get to the fast pass box. "Why are we here with thousands of assholes?"
"I would think that this was your element all things considered," Shige said, tearing his eyes away from his map and giving him a look of obviousness. "I mean, you just described yourself."
"I haven't jumped queues," Ryo refuted.
Shige was unimpressed. "Yet."
"It wasn't my fault," Ryo grumbled, kicking at the cement ground.
Shige nodded absently. "Okay."
"You don't believe me," Ryo accused, pointing a finger at Shige.
"Because things just happen," Shige said, rolling his eyes. He should have known better than to leave Ryo alone and unsupervised with bumper cars was not the best idea.
"It does! Just ask Tego-nyan!"
Shige gave Ryo a look of obvious skepticism. This was not the first time that Ryo's been at the receiving end of that look on that particular date. "Let's find a safer ride, a happier ride, a ride that does not involve crashing into other people."
"Fine," Ryo huffed, arms crossed over his chest as he glared straight ahead in refusal to look at Shige. And then, as an afterthought, "It still wasn't my fault."
Characters: Toma, Yamapi, Shirota Yuu (who I know next to nothing about), Jin's Mother, and technically Maki and Jin.
Note: I wrote this... a year ago? After Maki was the guest on CTKT.
"Jin! Are you there? This is Toma. I saw Cartoon KAT-TUN... ... No! Don't even think about it! Okay, bye."
"Hey, this is Yamapi. I just got a very angry call from Toma. I know I probably don't have to worry about it, but I'm just calling to make him feel better... Besides, he's right. That's it."
"You! Pick up your phone so I can properly yell at you!
"I don't approve of it at all! How did you get her number anyway?! Pi said he didn't give it to you and she would never give it to you so easily, especially because you look like a play boy! I won't allow this! If you want to have kids one day, you will cancel with her!"
"Jin, this is Kame. Give me back Maki-chan's phone number and erase it from your cell phone. Toma just called and yelled at me. And then threatened me. And then Yamapi called and did the exact same thing.
"Did you actually ask her out?
"... I thought you were kidding. Thanks. I'm going to probably die from an early death because of you. If this is the last message you get from me, you'll know why. Thanks a lot."
"Bakanishi! Why haven't you been picking up?! You can't go out with Maki-chan; you'll get in a shit load of trouble if you get caught. Also, you're not good enough for her, and you're the jealous type and I'm in the middle of filming with her so cancel your date and give up. I swear I'll tell her embarrassing stories of you when we were kids. Bye."
"Yo, Jin. It's Yuu. Pi called; is it true that you're going out with Horikita?"
"Jin dear, you really shouldn't make your welcoming message like that. It gives people the wrong impression.
"I saw Tomo-kun yesterday and he said something about you getting a girlfriend? I'm so glad you're finally getting one, because a boy your age needs healthy relationships! You hurry up and get married because I want grandchildren and you're the eldest. Reio is doing well, and Dad says to get back here and clean your room before new years.
"You should bring your girlfriend over too. Okay, love you lots, Honey! Take care of yourself!"