Aha. Online hookups. Well. Yes I admit to them. But I was a geeky early adopter... so this was circa age 19. By the time it all went mainstream thanks to Shaadi, JDate and Match.com, I was firmly in the camp of via friends and parties. Easier to talk smack in person lah.
hi stumbled upon your blog and very interesting read here. I suspect u went for abroad studies since very young? thus not tainted by the singapore system. maybe with more pp like u returning to singapore, things will change? I worried for my son's future as well.
Actually, on the contrary. I moved here when I was 5 so went through the entire school system from Primary School to JC. I'm not sure what it's like now, but my school life was great! I'm glad that I had discipline and "sit down and study" hammered into my brain from a young age because, having a short attention span and being lazy, I would not have learnt that naturally.
Singapore has changed for the better now I think - it is obvious that people are more sophisticated and curious. I think a mix of local and foreign education gives the best of both worlds and I highly recommend it.
Comments 17
Big Mack
Singapore has changed for the better now I think - it is obvious that people are more sophisticated and curious. I think a mix of local and foreign education gives the best of both worlds and I highly recommend it.
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