Title: Inked Pairing: House/Cameron Table: #44 Circle. . Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,686 Summary: House catches a glimpse of Cameron's tattoo. How close will he get to seeing it? Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in. For:
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Umm...I hope so! Nah, well if you've read Whispers on my FF account, then I may just do a prequel to that. That's pretty much a fuck fest too! =] Or not, I'll write out another non-plot smut fic sooner or later.
Your ridiculous! That was hot ahaha "More like Oh Em Eff Gee" your hilarious. Can we get some more..."Come on...please" he said pouting and giving his best puppy dog face at her. He batted his eyelashes for effect a couple of times and smiled in victory when NATALIE reluctantly agreed with a grunt.
As I am huddled here sitting on my bed (note its like 4 am here) in hope that my mom doesnt burst in here and begins yelling at me for me not being asleep and instead reading fics I am trying my best of trying not to squee tooo much! You know how hard that is?!?!!
Comments 33
Umm...I hope so! Nah, well if you've read Whispers on my FF account, then I may just do a prequel to that. That's pretty much a fuck fest too! =] Or not, I'll write out another non-plot smut fic sooner or later.
Nah, now I just need to watch Never Again! And I dont even have 4th season with me! :(
Your ridiculous! That was hot ahaha "More like Oh Em Eff Gee" your hilarious. Can we get some more..."Come on...please" he said pouting and giving his best puppy dog face at her. He batted his eyelashes for effect a couple of times and smiled in victory when NATALIE reluctantly agreed with a grunt.
Dont even trip i'll have something in store for you, sooner or later. I'lll make time to write something out.
And thank you!
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