Irrepairable invalid markupnman_in_blackMarch 25 2006, 23:36:17 UTC
Hmmmm. I thought I did it right: kadollan</ ? What's wrong with that? I guess "Bad username in LJ tag" means either that Becky has been naughty or else "kadollan" is no longer on the list?
No, it just means you typed the coding wrong, to answer your question. I hate it when it happens to me. I feel dumb, who's the other uncle? I knew about Uncle Mark... Maybe since I've been sick and out of it I've missed something? That's a lot of computer parts. And why so grumpy? Did they not use the photos you sent?
The other unclenman_in_blackMarch 27 2006, 23:43:50 UTC
My mother's older (oldest) brother, Ray Vernon Olson, died in his nineties after 77 years of marriage! He had a slew of great-great grandchildren. The list of pallbearers included Olsons I've never heard of. I assume they were all adults and cousins somewhat removed, grandchildren of Ray's four sons and first cousins to me, one of whom, a still working highly successful architect, is less a month younger than I.
Re: The other unclesabre_hawkeMarch 29 2006, 00:46:54 UTC
Yeah, a few hours after I wrote that, I went, well duh.... Uncle Ray. I wasn't trying to remember that far back because you said "recently." I was thinking someone else in the last week or two...
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