I don't want to be here today, well as with any other day. So being that I can't do anything until Mr Boss man comes in, I'll futz around a bit.
Came across one of the ol'faithful websites I used to frequent. Completely forgot about it until just now and came across a section titled.
Retro PC game art. The Adventures of Maddog Williams (1992)
Seems to Say: Get the fuck ready for the sweetest game ever. You know you are in for a full plate of awesome with Maddog Williams. You've got lightning bolts, misty castles, full moons, and dudes with huge swords and awesome beards. Oh, yeah, and did I forget to mention he is riding a freaking dragon?
Verdict: You don't have time to sit around not playing this game. Whatever happens, it is going to be the most epic anything ever.
Street Sports Basketball (1988)
Seems to Say: "Do you think we can get the retard cripple in the wheelchair to slam dunk? No? Okay, who is next on our list of Least Believable Street Basketball Players?"
Verdict: Singlehandedly makes the hacky sack from California Games look like pickup basketball at Cabrini.
Altered Beast (1990)
Seems to Say: Altered Police Sketch. "Yeah, he had fuller lips. And short hair. And, oh, on the right side of his face was a werewolf head. Yeah, just like that. And he was taking a bath. Yes, officer, that was the man that kicked my dog and turned him into a floating ball."
Verdict: If you played Altered Beast on the PC you probably didn't have any friends.
The reviews I cannot take credit for, but they're awesome.