Tall or Short: taller then me
Fat or Thin: actually that really doesn’t matter
Muscular or No Muscles: preferably muscular
Hair Color: doesn’t matter
Hair Style: no preference
Smart, Average or Stupid: smart or average
Sexy or Cute: aw.that doesn’t matter to me, as long as your easy on the eyes
Gentle or Rough: little bit of both but more gentle then rough please
Touchy Feely or Keeps Distance: depends on the moment..
Calm or Wild: both
Good Boy or Bad Boy: come on you have to have little bit of both inside you
Name everyone you have ever dated: theres toooooo many
Who were you with the longest: in high school lou
How long: over 2 months
Who were you with the shortest: umm.. Frank I think
How short: 1 week
Reason you broke up with all of these guys: it just wasn’t working for me
Who was the hottest: iunno
Who was the stupidest: no one really
Who was the meanest: iunno
Who was the last boyfriend you had: lou
Who was your first crush: some boy named Eric in preschool
Who was your biggest crush: I rather not say.. that’s a sore subject.. Its in the past too
Held Hands: yes
Hugged: yes
Kissed: yes
Frenched: yah.. I hate this .. Lol sorri
Made out: yah I hate this to.. Lol.. Wait whats the dif.. Between French and madeout? Explain please
Had Sex: no
Been Abused: sexual no.. verbally yes
Done any of the above with yourself: ive held my hands yes lol
Have you ever been cheated on: I hope not
Details: none
Have you ever cheated on someone: well I wouldn’t say it was cheating either would anyone else so no
Details: cant
Have you ever thought of being a lesbian: NO..( lol Caitlin) SERIOUSLY NO WAY.. GROSS.. SORRI.. I CANT EWW.. NO NO NO…
Are you one? NO
Are you bi? NO
Are you lonely? sometimes
Do you ever dwell over guys that you don't like anymore? no
Do you have an STD? no
Do you have a repuation? iunno
Did you ever have a song with anyone? yes
Who and what was the song? I don’t really want to say
Have you ever stolen anyone's boyfriend? No.. at least I hope not
Have you ever had a boyfriend stolen from you? no
Have you ever had a friend who liked the same guy as you? yeh
Who got him? none
Was either of you angry about the decision? no
Do you have bad luck with guys: yes and no
Do you get jealous easily: depending on the situation yes
Who are you in the "friend zone" with that you want to get out of it: haha I wish I could say
Do you want to get out of the "friend zone" to date them or just
because you hate them: I don’t hate any of my friends.. Did u get ur
Are you goody goody or naughty naughty: a lil bit of both .. Lol.. Depends on when you see me
Love or lust and why: lust because I really don’t know what the true meaning of love is
Have you ever had your heart broken to the point of break down? yah
Are you desperate: no
Do you want to get married: not now but some day
Do you want to have kids: yes.. Not now though
Where do you want to get married: somewhere warm.. But In Illinois somewhere
Will you write your own vows: that would be cool… maybe maybe not