Chelsea's IUS visit

Apr 08, 2008 16:20

so i'm setting here listening to chelsea clinton. she seems very timid, quiet.

education affordability

  • pell grants max. upped
  • expand eligibility
  • higher tax credit
  • extend to grad school
  • direct student lending from the gov't
      with rate caps less than 3.5%
  • getting rid of fasfa form
      check box on tax form at tax time
  • expanding of americore
      also extending amount to 10,000$ a year
      max 20.000$ for 2 years service
  • possibility of paying off loans thru working
      if you're in debt after 20 years you're forgiven
funding for plan

  • changing the estate tax
      repeal for less than 7M$ assets


    addressing rising costs of education (q)
    should be contract between freshmen and univeristies so that their tution doesn't increase while they are in school (a)
    reason is because of cuts to research funding which is driving up costs of tuition to compensate

    no child left behind (q)
    getting rid of "no child left behind"
    aspirational funding instead of lowering standards for the next year
    changing funding
    public education has to start earlier
    more aggressive earlier childhood education
    at three years old
    major gap when kids walk into first grade
    helping parents be better teachers to their children
    having pre kindergarten at 4years old nationwide
    closing the technology divide
    greater funding for teachers who work in inner city, and other
    going back to 1990's tax brackets
    higher taxes for 250k$ + a year

    Health care (q)
    universal health care
    congressional health care plan
    gov't health care plan
    no one can be denied coverage due to pre-existing condition
    included dental and mental health care

    military service [withdrawal plans and what will be done to care for them when they return] (q)
    current administration has no plans to end the war
    bush could see the troops being in iraq for 10 or more years
    bush has plans to bind hand of successor to make it impossible to withdraw
    has been pushed to set up refugee status by hillary for Iraqi's siding with the us
    had been denied for years
    has been writing to iran and syria to help set up a stable iraqi gov't
    set up separate and free palestinian and Israeli states
    micro finance and credit programs to help
    eliminating school fees around the world
    support for active and retired military service members
    better VA system
    more research for tramatic brain injury research
    adult equivilent of shaken baby syndrome
    mandatory health care for reserve and guard
    low interest rate for veterans for buy homes/ start small business
    Vietnam recognition
    extending g.i. bill of rights to veteran

    urban agenda and plans for working with cities (q)
    invest aggressively in infrastructure reconstruction/renovation
    10B$ plan to rebuild
    removing burden from cities for this
    funding for police
    more police
    community block grant program
    fully funding
    targeted conversations with mayors and gov't

    social security(q)
    if we get back to fiscal responsibility with the next administration we will be ok
    if we have 4 more years like the current administration we will be so far that a bailout will to far gone
    american retirement savings account
    like a 401(k)
    no privatization of social security

    out sourcing (q)
    close tax loopholes for companies taking jobs overseas
    double r&d tax credit for companies that do reasearch on us soil
    inclusion for companies that add jobs off of there developments

    funding for more green friendly energy

    disability funding(q)
    commited to payin fair share for education of children with mental and physical disabilities

    and that was it in a nut shell; condensed version of course

    i'll get around to cleaning this up a bit more, but i'm tired
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