I skiped over October, its for the best though, nothing of value was lost

Nov 03, 2010 17:01

So um Comic Con happend. I feel like maybe i should review that like i have every con ever (and maybe i still will) but let me sumerize my experience by saying when i was there i had fun. Except for mid Saturday when there may have literally been a million people there and it took me going to my happy place in order for me NOT to have a panic attack. OH and Arnold being the biggest douchbag in the world Sunday and pretending he didnt have the money he owed me when he was CLEARLY holding bag of crap he'd just baught..WITH MONEY.That ruined my fun. Other than that it was swell. The amount of Love i got for my half -assed 11th Doctor cosplay was wonderful, even though it was when i WASNT wearing it on Sunday is when i ran into an AWESOME (and hot) Amy Pond, who i kinda fell in lust w/ but thats another story.  Oh and i got to Play Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, and its everything i ever dreamed it would be and more. Deadpool is a BEAST and i literally shed tears of joy while playing it. I've been waiting for this game since like the 8th grade, dont judge me. If i could go back in time and warn myself about upcoming drama, 14 year old me would be more impressed by this game than anything.

Me at 14, after learning what grave dangers the future holds.

Future!Me wearing a trenchcoat and goggles for no reason other than to look cool,
"Man, thats not even the half of it...."

"....MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!?!?!"

"Have you been listening?? i'm trying to warn you about..."

"..and DEADPOOL'S IN IT??"

"...yeah, he teleports and smacks the shit out of people with their own health bar its fucking awesome..BUT..."


"We have bigger fish to fry here ..YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER NOT TO......"

And then i'd fade from existance.

What else? There's nothing i watch on Tv except for Glee, Smallville and Community and it anoys me. Community i absolutely adore and not just because i want Alison Brie to have my babies, it really is GOD tier televison & like all of Tvtropes cranked to ELEVEN. Its seriously like they pick a handful of tvtropes pages and decide how to cram as many tropes as humanly possible onto a single episode. Glee has been spiraling downward in quality, and i really only watch it for the lesbians in the  futile hope that theyd actually give them a storyline focus instead of getting a few throwaway glances and lingering shots of them holding hands or whatver. Also they did Rocky Horror, and it was hit and miss...and most of the "Hit" wasnt the covers of the songs so much as being able to see Quinn prance around as Magenta & Britney being a dead ringer for Little Nell's Columbia. Smallville is actually getting REALLY GOOD.
Now i know that sounds fucking krazy, but hear me out. After , what, 7 seasons and like 40yrs on tv, they've finally hit a point where they realized they can reference the crap out of the dc universe and its a better show for it. All they need to do now is call up Micheal Rossenbuam, throw whatver amount of cash he asks for at him and fix the bullshit "ZOMG WE ACCIDENTLY KILLED LEX FREAKING LUTHOR AND BROKE THE GODAM TIME STREAM" plot from like 4 seasons ago when things where so shit on that show it was unwatchable. They've introduced clone lex's (lexi?) into the season....but i'd apluade til my hands were raw if instead of building one of these up to BECOME lex, suddenly like evil!lex played by someone else entirely gets shot in the head and REAL!Lex shows up with some badass boast of their being"only room for one luthor." and i'd squee, cause not only would he be back, it'd be a nifty "Crisis" refrence. also,
The name "Lana" makes me cringe *nervous twitch* but even i'd admit there needs to be at least a passing 2 sec shot or reference to her in the finale.

What else? i had a birthday, sorta. Well , not really.
Theres really no way of getting into it without digging up feelings of bitterness and stiring up more drama.
Older, yes.
wiser? not really.
I have a lot of growing up to do apparently.

Halloween happend, sort of.
Saturday i went drunk watching in Hoboken for a bit. Tell you what kind of mood i was in that not even drunks in costume & scantily clad skanks in what barely passes for clothing much less a costume, didnt do all that much to cheer me up.
Although i DID see someone i mistook as a sookeh, but when i got closer i realized she was ginger and had fangs and i was all "JESSICA<3" and she gave me a hug cause, well my penguin suit is just an adorable ploy for hugs and attension. Also a group of slutty drunken Madeline girls skipping down all of washington street doing the whole "we love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all we LOVE EACH OTHER" bit was priceless.
Then early Sunday i went trick or treating w/ Angel, where we ran into some little 10yrold kid who was General Grievious..WITH AN EXTRA PAIR OF ARMS EACH WEILDING A LIGHTSABER. he won halloween for me. had he shown up at our house i'd have given him all my candy and like $20 for being amazing.

then went to the city by myself a bit to wander in the madness of the village,
before heading back before it got to late. Got into a hilarious banter with an In character Ron Burgundy
on the way back , made an Arthur Dent's day for being only the 3rd of several billion people who got it
(he looked extremely brittish, was in a bathrobe, holding a towel , a tea cup and a sign that said DONT PANIC...
he couldnt BE more arthur dent), met a awesome 10th Doctor (i happend to have my Sonic screwdriver handy and we
had an ill advised SONIC BATTLE, before we realized we probly just destroy 4 universes, it was delightful) & a
Ramona Flowers who gave me candy. Also i learned that screaming "MAGENTA & RIFF RAFF!!I LOVE YOU GUYZ!!" to very
drunk RHPSers is aparently an open invite to get dry humped by them. i honestly should of known better,,

I'm a couple of days late for "NaNoWriMo" but figured i'd give it a shot anyways. Its already going very poorly. i decided to write this entry instead of writing anything to try and get me started, which is why i went on a tangent and a half up there.

Fuck it. im gona set an hour & a half and im gona force myself to write about something even if its rubbish and ends up being about ninja robots with lazer eyes.
Til next time.

halloween comicon birthday raanting

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