Hello shippers! Welcome to another week of Pilots Bingo at No Takebacks!
1. Keep it simple: a bingo consists of five 100-word drabbles in a row on the card, across, down, diagonal. No special bingos. ONE BINGO = FIVE DRABBLES. (Which can be perfect if you love to tell stories with your drabbles!)
2. One bingo per comment: each comment must contain FIVE DRABBLES - you must submit all five at once - no single drabbles.
3. To use the Center Space: you must write a drabble featuring the action in the center space.
There is no twist today, so all drabbles MUST take place prior to the Miniseries. Tomorrow, the twist will be in effect. (You'll see...)
At the beginning of each drabble, use the following format: Title (optional), Prompt, Rating.
For example:
BINGO #1: Flying CAP [subject line]
launch tube, PG
FTL, NC-17
Separate drabbles with *** between each.
Also, for my sanity and to aid my counting dysfunction, please NUMBER YOUR BINGOS, (#1, #2, etc.) Thank you!
The person with the most bingos at the end of each day will win a banner.
Anyone doing a BLACKOUT, aka full card (five comments of five drabbles each = 25 drabbles) will receive a drabble as a reward.
The person with the most bingos at the end of the week will receive a special prize, to be determined after I cajole, beg, and plead with my flist. ;)
1. Submit as many bingos as you want! use the same prompts over and over again. Your choice!
2. Each day, I will give you two new cards, but old cards are still active (although you won't receive a banner for most drabbles in a day unless they are posted by midnight of the day of posting). Erm...you'll see!
QUESTIONS? Please ask questions as a reply to the first comment.