Sometimes It's the Destination, Too, PG-13kdbleuMay 3 2012, 03:57:00 UTC
Decisions, explosion, PG He thought it was going to be some great explosion. Shock and aw as they say. In the end Lee Adama packs up his flight suit, hangs up his dress blues and fades away from the fleet without even a fight with his father.
But he can’t stay away from the airfield, from watching the planes like he did as a kids. Memories of the moment he decided he was going to fly drawing him to place of peace he never knew when he was actually flying.
With a quiet smile Lee turns the ignition and goes for a drink.
The News, Cottle, PG She’s numb. Numb from her tingling fingers up the arm that’s never going to be strong enough. No matter how much physical therapy. The words flow in and out her ears.
The only words that stick You won’t fly again. Ever.
Kara Thrace’s nothing if she isn’t Starbuck. It’s unfair.
Worse than that he’s sorry. He’s sorry? He’s sorry
( ... )
Re: Sometimes It's the Destination, Too, PG-13scifishipperMay 3 2012, 11:37:39 UTC
Oh I love this melancholy and sad little story with the hope and love all thread through. So evocative and real. They have such power to heal each other. I think love The Destination best of all.
Re: Sometimes It's the Destination, Too, PG-13rdave1May 3 2012, 12:58:47 UTC
These are beautiful! You have told a full story in 500 words. I love the sadness that is there throughout the fic but also a sense of beginning. Wonderful job!
Re: Sometimes It's the Destination, Too, PG-13winegumsMay 3 2012, 16:50:44 UTC
I love your take on pilots not being, well, pilots any more (in one sense, lol). But my favourite thing about this is that you gave them a chance at a real relationship, even with Kara freaking out about not knowing how to be in one - that was my favourite drabble.
He thought it was going to be some great explosion. Shock and aw as they say. In the end Lee Adama packs up his flight suit, hangs up his dress blues and fades away from the fleet without even a fight with his father.
But he can’t stay away from the airfield, from watching the planes like he did as a kids. Memories of the moment he decided he was going to fly drawing him to place of peace he never knew when he was actually flying.
With a quiet smile Lee turns the ignition and goes for a drink.
The News, Cottle, PG
She’s numb. Numb from her tingling fingers up the arm that’s never going to be strong enough. No matter how much physical therapy. The words flow in and out her ears.
The only words that stick You won’t fly again. Ever.
Kara Thrace’s nothing if she isn’t Starbuck. It’s unfair.
Worse than that he’s sorry. He’s sorry? He’s sorry ( ... )
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