Room 015 [video/ action for Ecruteak]

Dec 06, 2011 23:34

[The feed opens on a rather lumpy-looking snow dinosaur dressed in a scarf and...what might actually be Harry's shoes poking out from the edge of the sculpture. The person holding the camera backs up so that the abomination is center-frame. Puffs of smoke from Henry's cigarette can be seen. It is stationed at the edge of a street near the hotel.]I ( Read more... )

action, henry the sculptor, video, ic

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[Video] -of a girl squeeing- ex_tachikaw December 8 2011, 22:00:39 UTC

[Meet Mimi, a new breeder. Her purpose in life in this world is to get one of every kind of feline pokemon.]


[Video] -of a dude looking very surprised- no_ufo_ending December 10 2011, 16:35:29 UTC
[Henry actually leeeeeeans back from his 'gear as the wave of squee comes through the device's tiny speakers. DB WHAT. WHAT IS. WHAT. WHAT IS THAT TERRIFYING SOUND oh it's a girl.]

I-I got him in an egg last Easter. His name is Burger. He's a Glameow.


[Video] -of a girl fawning over your kitty-pokemon!- ex_tachikaw December 12 2011, 16:40:29 UTC
A Galmeow? How cuuuuuute!

[Mimi clasps her hands together, stars practically in her eyes as she puts a finger on her video screen.]

D' you mind scooting over a bit so I can get a better look?!


[Video] -of a purple cat thing!- no_ufo_ending December 12 2011, 18:42:25 UTC
[Henry blinks and after a moment he shrugs and crouches down in the snow. He calls the cat pokemon over and flips the gear around so that he can see the girl on the other end of the line.]

[Burger perks up instantly and forgets that he's cold and wet. 8u somebody who recognizes him for what he is--THE BEST GLAMEOW. The cat puffs his chest out.]



[Video] -of a super-loud SQUEE!!- ex_tachikaw December 15 2011, 20:45:53 UTC
[Mimi squees like she's never squeed before.]

Oh you handsome little devil! You must introduce me to your friends, darling~~!!


[Video] -of a cam-whore kitty- no_ufo_ending December 16 2011, 17:37:35 UTC
[8u He was haaaaandsome? Burger fluffs up even more and buffs his claws against his chest. This girl knew what she was talking about, le purrr.]

[Meanwhile, Henry rolls his eyes a little. They wouldn't think he was so adorable after they found purple hairballs in their shoes.]

Don't encourage him, he's spoiled enough as it is.


[Video] -of a shmoopy-faced girl- ex_tachikaw December 16 2011, 21:22:26 UTC
[Mimi giggles and taps her finger against the video, making kissy-faces at Burger.]

Auntie Mimi would spoil you even more! There's no such thing as a too-spoiled kitty~~!


[Video] -of the burgermeister- no_ufo_ending December 25 2011, 23:49:08 UTC
[Burger is liking this. He likes it a lot. He plants his nose to the screen and fogs the lense, purring his loud squeaky purr the whole time.]

[Who is this Auntie Mimi and how can he find her?]


[Video] -of a girl trying to make smoochy faces at the screen- ex_tachikaw December 27 2011, 18:54:53 UTC
[Mimi flails her hands in a silent squeal.]

I'm dying! Dying of the cuteness! I love you! Lovelovelovelovelove!!! ♥


[Video] -of a cat milking this for all its worth- no_ufo_ending December 28 2011, 08:43:31 UTC
[Oh, yeah. Burger knows he's adorable. Get a load of this ]


[Video] MimixGlameow OTP ex_tachikaw December 28 2011, 17:13:52 UTC
[This could probably go on forever unless Henry steps in...]

Who's a handsome Burger? Who is? Yes you are!! ♥


[Video] no_ufo_ending December 30 2011, 23:02:03 UTC
[Suddenly, Mimi's view of the spoiled ball of fluff is blocked by a scruffy photographer.]

Would you like a Hoot-Hoot?

[Say no, Mimi. Say no.]


[Video] ex_tachikaw January 1 2012, 19:38:56 UTC
Hmm? [Curious blink.] What's a Hoot-Hoot?


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