[Well! The picture in the journal is most certainly not Mizuno Ami. It is, however, still an Asian girl, but a few years younger, with an unusual hairdo of buns and pigtails.]
I'm Usagi-chan!
[And something in Ami realizes that while some people in Luceti will remember Usagi in blond form from while she was here, many won't, and they won't know
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Ah, Doctor Mizuno, so they have affected you too... And your best friend? That must be... poignant for you. [And painful. Robert doesn't even want to think about how much that might have hurt him if he'd turned into a certain person.]
... Do you perhaps need any assistance, or are you alright at the moment? [Robert was serious when he said he wanted to help Ami if she had a problem. After all, it's the least he can do. She basically singlehandedly stopped him from freezing, taught him to use the journals and gave him a place to live.]
Regardless, I'd like to apply myself as a substitute. Who should I contact for the information?
[Robert sort of sits there in silence, sipping the tea, until he runs out of it. Then he puts the cup down and smiles a little.]
I really do appreciate allowing me to spend some time with you. Even though originally it was for your benefit and not mine, I've enjoyed myself immensely, Doctor Mizuno.
[They don't seem to get past polite phrases well; but she's comfortable with that so early on after meeting.]
I always enjoy meeting new people.
This, despite a slight holdover of her shyness, is true. It gives her new chances to make those friends.]
[Robert nods; Ami has that same slight-but-evident nervousness that he knows permeates himself. It's comforting, in a way, to know she's a little shy as well.]
I hope I've proved to be an interesting person so far for you, then... Your career certainly fascinates me, as does your obvious maturity and intellect at your age. I suspect that I could learn much from you.
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