Loooots of new releases

Sep 10, 2011 11:02

Alrighty, it looks like merchandise news is flooding in lately. Excuse the large amount of text!

- An official mook/fanbook will be released by Otona Animedia. The book will open with a long interview of Asano Atsuko, will also include interviews of the staff and cast, a story guide for the anime, a compilation of anime illustrations, and a complete compilation of toi8's illustrations. A complete compilation of toi8's illustrations. Yes that needs to be said twice, because this is the "artbook" that we've all been waiting for. Though I guess it's not totally "complete" since they can't include (all) the BD covers, but oh well. Release date 10/11. Source: Amazon / Animate

- Otona Animedia vol.2 is now set to be released. While vol.1 had No.6 as the main feature, vol.2 will have it as a secondary feature along with Tiger&Bunny, with Mawaru Penguindrum as the primary feature. If the quality of vol.1 is anything to go by, this should definitely be worth a look (mainly if you know Japanese, since INTERVIEWS, INTERVIEWS EVERYWHERE). Release date 10/03. Source.

- Can't find a source for this yet, but according to 2ch, a second mook is set to be released by PASH!. This is most likely going to be part of their Animation File line, so the contents should be something along the lines of detailed character/story overviews, interviews, posters, and random fanservice articles.

- The No.6 twitter would like you to buy every magazine ever this month, because there are new spreads/interviews in all of them. Newtype: spread + Kaji and Hosoya interview, Animedia: spread + director Nagasaki interview, Animage: spread + Kaji and Hosoya interview, PASH Deeep!: spread + Hosoya and Yasuno interview. Well... on the other hand, it's likely that a lot of these spreads will make their way into the official fanbook?

Oh gods... my money orz. For now the 2 mooks, Otona Animedia, and Pash Deep(for the poster) are on my buy list. brb starving for the rest of the month.


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