The cake, Gaara decided, had started to mutate into something not entirely edible. After having finished the remainder of his brain-numbing assignments for Monday’s classes, he’d changed into relatively old clothes and was now staring into the refrigerator. There was a mess of food stashed in some Tupperware containers; also not entirely edible. It made him wonder if any of his siblings actually looked in the fridge once in a while to see if things were beginning to grow arms, legs, and other movable parts.
Shrugging carefully, he managed to wedge the plate with the cake off the bottom shelf and turned to leave. He hoped he didn’t run into Kankurou on his way out the door. Or Temari for that matter. Gaara didn’t want to explain what he was planning on doing with it. Well, what Kiba was planning on doing. Though deep down, in some extremely suppressed part of Gaara’s internal structure, he didn’t mind lobbing some in his brother’s direction.
He scribbled a note that read On the roof. Be back later. in neat handwriting and stuck it to the fridge with one of those red, tear-shaped magnets someone received when donating blood and was on his way. The stairwell looked relatively empty, but apartment eight was on the second floor and he had a few flights of stairs to tackle yet. Balancing the cake against his chest and wary about smelling it, Gaara began climbing his way to the roof, his intentions of meeting Kiba and getting this over with as quickly as possible dominating his thoughts.
He couldn’t believe he was doing this.