stolen from dragonrana
Best Friend(s): Adrian,Cory, Beau
Dumbest Friend: um lol i can't say that sum ones feelings will be hurt
Longest Friend: Hmmmm I've known Donald since the old days but i would have to say been friends with Cory longest? or Adrian not all to sure :X
Funniest Friend : ewww lol alright all my friends r funny BUT Cory is the funniest
Smartest Friend: hmmm Dr.Nipples or Cory
Loudest friend : Cory
Shyest Friend : Beau
Craziest Friend: um hmmm they r all crazy
Who do you get advice from: Laura
Righty / Lefty : Righty
Eye colour:: Blue
Shoe Size : um 7.5/8/9
Shoe Brand(s) : DC
Do you crack any body parts: Aha yes fingers, toes, neck, back, knee ankle
Pets :: 2 dogs & 2 bunnies
Boyfriend/girlfriend :: No
Crush:: no
Liked a Teacher :: FUCK NO u sick fucks
Killed Someone :: No
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants :: Nope.. well nvm Aha
Ate a Tub of Ice Cream :: um no
Ran Into a glass door : Aha i run into doors all the fucking time LOL
Gone skinny dipping :: Nope
Ran into a parked car :: Yup
Which One is Better?
Coke or Pepsi :: coke!!
Burger king or McDonalds:: Burger King
Cats or Dogs :: dogs
Coffee or Tea :: nither
Sour or Sweet :: Sweet
Vanilla or chocolate:: vanilla
Ice Hockey or Roller Hockey :: ?
Lights on or off :: off
Winter or Summer :: summer
Food :: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ziti
Drink :: Propel or Sprite
Animal :: Dog
Quote :: um " bitches & hos"
Song :: sumthing by Fozzy <3
Radio Station :: Rock 101 Greg and the morning buzz man !!!
Place :: my bed
Any Other Questions?
Where were you born:: laconia
Favourite day of the week:: thursday
Who was the last person you received email from:: um James
Bedtime :: when ever bitches
Career :: um being a little kidd my whole life Aha