Herein lies some sex talk and a great deal of META silliness.
1. 17 rue Beautreillis, Paris France. It was April of 1971 and he was absolutely one of the most captivating individuals I've ever met. I don't know if it was the city, the wine, the freedom or the music but I won't ever forget it or James.
2. Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts. I sincerely doubt that I was the first or the last to take advantage of such a beautiful view. Not to mention the fact it's absolutely empty around mid-afternoon.
3. The back of a hansom cab. Spontaneous wholly inappropriate and a delicious way to cap the most blindingly romantic night of my life. . .I can't recall what we wound up tipping the driver...
4. An elevator at the Ministry during the Minister's swearing in ceremony. It seemed like an excellent notion at the time.
5. Headmaster's office. Now the truth about myself and Albus is finally out. I have no idea what that muggle woman is talking about
6. Backstage during the Armani show at Fashion week. I still have that gown. It's one of my favorites. Fashion has always been a turn on.
7. Sea World. No, I will not explain why.
8. A raft during a lazy trip down a river. The sun was shining, the water was cool and really - it had to be experienced.
9. Men's loo at the Leaky Cauldron. We were in the middle of an argument and he thought stalking into the men's room would deter me. He was mistaken and I was - impressed.
10. One of those bouncy air things you often see at carnivals. There was an entire room and it was - enthusiastic but more effort than it was worth.