ok I have like half a keg of pabst left if you want it come and get it!!! You'll just need to get a tap from a liquor store. it'll be good for another week. Look i don't like seeing so much Pabst go to waste, so get your ass down here and get it before I advertise it for free on the craigslist. So if you live in northern CALifornia and are willing
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my mom is visiting today. oh shit I have to clean. or hmm maybe I should just do the opposite and make even more of a mess to shock the shit out of her. hahaha
I'm trying to stop drinking soda pop and i'm going through DTs. I got the shakes real bad and it's hard watching other people drink soda all happily while I drink water. Anyways, I HAVE to stop! I've been drinking a 2 liter a day for like 3 years now. I've been soda pop free now for 1 whole day this is going to be hard. So far in just one day the
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"Blood Freak" from 1972 this buff biker guy eats some genetically engineered turkey and turns into a giant ugly turkey head with bulging blood shot eyes and goes around killing drug addicts and drinking their blood. Why? So Mr. Turkey Head can get high off of the druggies blood! I enjoyed this movie very much. It was the perfect Thanksgiving move.
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So i'm selling my huge 70's Vox console organ on craigslist for 100 bucks and so far there's been like 20 people emailing me about it nonstop for the past 3 days (maybe I should charge more). One guy thinks he can take the boards out of it and put them in his broke VOX continental. ha ha! What ever. Anyways it's not a bad organ just huge, and about
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