Spoiler Hual, tonight on Deadliest Spoilers...

Jul 01, 2010 04:39

I'm posting something woohoo! So here's a batch of spoilers around the water-cooler for you guise if you haven't already heard them all. I also descend my ever obnoxious words onto them because I can't seem to help myself. I'll get to something interesting one of these coming days...

Jim Beaver's arrival in Vancover to shoot his episode (6.04, 'A Weekend At Bobby's, directed by our one and only Jensen Ackles) prompted seeing Kim Rhodes the actress that played Jody Mills, the Sheriff in 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid'.

To tell you the truth I'm nether jeering nor cheering for this. Sure Jody was a pretty cool lady and I'm always up for more badass women but all in all the character was rather forgettable to me. I'm not saying much about anything on this one because that's kind of the point, it's all very shrug-worthy news. That said, I hope she's not just fodder but if she did bite the dust I wont be too torn up about it either. :/

Michael Ausiello, “I hear the show’s fourth episode back - the one directed by Jensen Ackles - will be Bobby-centric and feature a character named Marcy Ward. Described as attractive in a down-to-earth/woman-next-door way, Marcy is a capable homemaker with a crush on her neighbor.” SpoilerTV is reporting that the title of this episode is 'Weekend at Bobby’s'.

I'm liking Marcy already but the only problem is that I'm thinking of an Ellen type character. I hope that's not the case and at the same time I hope that's some-what the case because 1. I don't want her to die and 2. I don't want her to be an annoying Mary Sue and then want her to die.
'Weekend at Bobby's' = 'Weekend at Bernie's' LOL. ... Wait. They're not going to kill off Bobby are they!!!? D:

Brit genre magazine SFX, in its latest issue (#198), is reporting a mini-interview with Eric Kripke, Sera Gamble and the other writers, in which they claim that Crowley will be in a lot of season six. There’s also talk of bringing back Death the Horseman, the Trickster, and Ellen and Jo (as ghosts). Chuck, however, will apparently not show up, nor will there be any explanation of his mysterious vanishing act at the end of “Swan Song”.

I'm always up for more Crowley. Specifically Crowley/Cas/Gabriel interaction, snappy and snarky lovers a-hoy!

My original reaction to Gabriel's possible return was exactly this from ontd_spnparty,


And, yeah. I'm still there. In between extreme joy because I seriously loved Richard and Gabe and I want them back so badly but also a bit peeved with the blatant fucking over of a great character death (he went out gloriously and in style). What's the point anymore, really? :/

I already knew Death was coming back. It's rather obvious that something was being set up in 'Two Minutes To Midnight' with that character, possibly the Big Bad I'm thinking? Hurm. Perhaps Death wanted Sam gone for good, or the power that threatens Death was let out with Sam when he jumped out of the Pit (the ability to ominously make street lamp lights flicker is a dangerous one)? Who knows, season six could have Death hunting Sam or Dean or Samn'Dean and since season five tried to establish Death as a force far more powerful than Lucifer and grater than God (brb, nauseous)  it's a way to deal with that aggravating "what's bigger than the Apocalypse?" query everyone's got going on. Easy, personify Death. Which according to lore is an angel btw- so isn't that just trading in one bitchy archangel for another? :shrug: Death was cool, I liked the guy and by that we might just get the same screen time of him as we did Marksha which is not enough. I'll place a bet that he's the Big Bad of the season, any takers?

Now for Ellen and Jo as ghosts.

Still can't wrap my head around it but they did the same thing with the lovables we wanted back in 4.03 as ghosts so perhaps it's similar. But I'm afraid that if this is more than a one time deal thing, like if the 'chaos of the world is so great that even the dead aren't under control' type thing and we have ghost!Ellen and ghost!Jo are reoccurring I'm going to have to give it a big "NUH-UH" but right now it's something I can't really judge until I see it.

Apparently Chuck wont be coming back. Ever. There goes my OTP. Chuck/Becky. :cries: But more or less I'm assuming this is going to be a move by Kripke where we will never know for sure if Chuck was just a fancy prophet of the Lord or, you know, the Lord. Plausible deniability, make your own canon (I wish) type thing that he does sometimes. So yeah, a bit peeved about that. I like to know things not wast away without confirmation.

It’s official: Mitch Pileggi is returning to Supernatural as Sam and Dean’s presumed-dead grandpa - and not for some one-off guest stint. As I first teased in Ask Ausiello, the X-Files vet will appear on a recurring basis throughout season 6.

“I’m a longtime fan of Mitch’s work,” gushes executive producer/new showrunner Sera Gamble. “And we all thought he did an amazing job the first time around, so we’re excited he was game to [return]. For one thing, he’s a Campbell - from Sam and Dean’s mom’s side of the family,” reminds Gamble, “which, unlike their dad’s, has actually been into hunting for a very long time. There’s a whole side of Sam and Dean’s history that they know nothing about. We’ll get to find out a bit about it this season.”

Yeeeeauh. I wont deny it but I have a HUGE love/crush on Mitch Pileggi ever since he played one of my favorite characters on the X-Files (GO SKINNER \O/) But still. WHUT THE EVER LIVING-- WHUT!? Recurring? Of course the obvious question is how. The other is: dude I just got it Capmbell, as in the king of B-Movie horror(and the man after my own heart) Bruce Campbell!? Lol. Yes. I'm slow, deal with it. So, I'm in 'idek' mode on this one. Plus side is that we get to learn more about the Campbell's and I can make a shitload of Bruce Campbell references.

In other Supe news, the show is on the prowl for an actor in his late-30s to mid-40s to play the recurring role of Christian. Described as “capable, calm under pressure, and very good at his job,” Christian has a special relationship to Sam and Dean.

Now I'm crazy curious about who Christian is (which I've got digital hugs on that it's Samn'Dean's dead uncle) and a bit edgy with all these reoccurring characters that are Winchester relatives. It's like Adam, despite my adoration for the boy, the whole 'random stranger is our family' thing made my left eye twitch pretty harsh. I'm excited about the abundance of secondary character news however. I love secondary characters and hopefully Gamble has the knowledge that secondary characters equal subplot equals a better and fuller story. Begone with the lame fillers please, one or two are nice for a break but get real about some things, k? I think Supernatural can improve greatly with a quality subplot and not just Castiel looking for God offscreen.

The season 6 Premiere of Supernatural will be called "Exile on Main Street".

For those of you who don't know 'Exile on Man Street' is an album of The Rolling Stones, not a song especially as with most of Supernatural's titles. They did the same thing with 5.16 'The Dark Side of the Moon' which was an album by Pink Floyd. I'm sort of unimpressed to tell you the truth. Classic Stones is great and 'Exile on Main Street' was probably one of the best albums ever recorded but I had my hopes set on the first episode title being 'Ramble On' by Led Zeppelin. And despite my love for classic Stones, Zeppelin beats it.

The positive is that hopefully getting a Rolling Stones song is cheaper than getting a Led Zeppelin song and we can actually get back to getting some real music back in our Show. Knowing Sera, it's one thing that I have high expectations for- I want my rock soundtrack kthx.

The song I bet they'll play (from the Exile on Main Street album),

image Click to view

"Angels beating all their wings in time
With smiles on their faces
And a gleam right in their eye
Thought I heard one sigh for you..."

The song that I wanted for the premiere title,

image Click to view

Listen to those lyrics and tell me they don't fit Dean to a 'T'. Yeah-huh. (lol, the LOTR refs xD) But don't get me wrong, I love both of these songs and I wouldn't be too much in a fit if this was a direction Sera wanted to take, just no more Def Leppard plz...

This has me thinking about what song they are going to have for the recap...hurm.

Anyways, it's also the first day of shooting for Supernatural :cheers: and the directorial debut of Jensen Ackles :more cheers: ! In that respect lets admire our lovable new director.

Jim Beaver
RT @ danielletbd: in honor of Jensen's directorial debut it's #jensenacklesday about 11 hours ago via UberTwitter


Jim Beaver
Having watched lots of TV stars at work, I knew being the single lead on a series is the hardest job in the acting biz. Getting a taste now. about 11 hours ago via UberTwitter


Well, that's all I got. In unrelated, unspoilery news I'm going to have to reschedule or cancel Thursday's rewatch episode of spn_rewatch2010  because of a pesky dentist appointment that not only was scheduled without my knowledge but was only conveniently told me today. I'd rather not cancel because season two has a load of important -the best- episodes and I want to get in as much as I can before we have to move onto the next season in order to get done with it all by September. So either I can move the time up an hour and a half to 6:30 GMT or to Friday regular time. Your choice compadres! c:


supernatural owns my soul, spoiler whore, bruce willis was a ghost the whole time

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