Name: Roku
IM: SoldierBoyz529
Character Name: Tatsumi Kanji
Series: Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4
Timeline: The night of 09/09 - Sunny
Canon Resource Link:
Shazam Character Background: Kanji first shows up in game while being poorly moziac-eyed out on a TV program about bikers and biker gangs and promptly tells the camera to 'Get bent' a couple of times. It's very scary.
Dojima then awkwardly puts on his exposition hat that he knows Kanji from having dealt with the six foot babby from back in the day. And BAM suddenly everyone knows its time to go stalk down their newest party member.
So after creeping around town, plus some exposition hat'ing later, the following is learned. (See: The real background starts here)
Once upon a time there was this cute ittle Japanese kid named Kanji Tatsumi. His parents ran a textile shop; Tatsumi Textiles. Very creative. For absolutely no reason whatsoever he loved unusual things for a boy his age. Things like, oh lets say, playing house and going to Home Economics instead of going and playing outside.
Like real little boys would.
And because of his parent's profession, he learned many things about fabrics and how to make them submit to his will (see: sew). When he was in grade school, he fixed up a classmate's bag because he liked the girl. However all of their other classmates laughed at them and the girl cried. Kanji felt bad because he thought he had done something wrong and thus never associated his sewing skills with anything good.
However this did not stop him from endorsing in all things creative like painting and furthering his sewing.
So then middle school happened and his dad died. BUT RIGHT BEFORE HE DID he told Kanji, "If you're a man, you have to become strong." Kanji took this as a sign his dad was basically telling him he wasn't manly enough, which angered the babby. So he took advantage of his epic Japanese height and changed his appearance -- bleaching his hair and wearing angreh skulls on all his shirts. Which he probably sewed on there himself. Just sayin'. Between his dad's words and his classmates having issues with his choice hobbies, he tried to prove himself manly and strong by upping his list o' curse words and getting involved in all sorts of fights and other things of juvenile delinquency. MANLY juvenile delinquency.
So then the present happens.
And because Kanji showed up on TV, that means *he* shows up on the midnight channel too. Only when I say *he* I mean more like
this. And everyone is like WHAT EVEN. But they go save him regardless thanks to the information given by a ~mysterious slender boy~.
His dungeon inside the TV is this huge bathhouse with really suspect disembodied male voices making 'ooh~' sounds. Kanji's shadow in the meantime is running around on his scandalous quest to search for sublime love that surpasses the separation of the sexes. And then he says that he vastly prefers men.
Yes our boy Kanji is kind of batting for the other team because he fears girls and how they'll make fun of him for who he is. However Kanji rejects everything ever and a battle happens. Souji wins. Kanji eventually comes to accept that yah, some part of him isn't being true to himself and thus accepts the Shadow. But not before punching that bitch in the face.
Afterwards, Kanji has no problem with joining the group to solve the murder, initially because the wants to curbstomp the guy. And although he had been pretty much absent from school most of the year thus far, the mandatory attendance policy forces him to go much more often and thus everyone gets to better familiarize themselves with him. This is because of that fact his reputation has made him pretty unapproachable to his peers so his only friends are basically the murder investigation group. This being proven in the school campus trip -- where Kanji only showed up under threat of being held back a year -- when instead of staying in the eerie silent first year tent (because he's there lol), Kanji goes to chill with Souji and Yosuke.
So the months go by and Rise and ~mysterious slender bo--Naoto join the team. Kanji finally gets some grade-level friends. They take another school trip.
To Tatsumi Port Island. Which is in no way connected with Kanji. But it is JapanFrancisco the setting from Persona 3. Continuing on.
During their second night, they all end up in a hot club scene where they play the King's Game. Long story short, King!Teddie unknowingly demands to kiss Kanji. Kanji flips the fuck out. Teddie is too club-high to care about the godwhy factor. Kanji keeps flipping, he's flipped like five fucking times by now. Teddie pounces, lips *DANGEROUSLY CLOSE* to Kanji's. Kanji, in all his surprise falls backwards to the floor.
And then he gets a----FREE TRIP TO WONDERLAND.
Overall, Kanji is pretty much a prude. He definitely doesn't hate the sweet ladies and mostly just ends up flustered around them, especially when they're wearing swimsuits. In fact, the mens pretty much confuse him too. Most notably, out of all people, Kanji gets especially flustered around Naoto. This is because BACK IN THE DAY (or you know, four months ago for him) when Naoto was still known as ~mysterious slender boy~, Kanji developed a crush on her. Except he thought Naoto was a he.
But then Naoto was a trap! And Kanji was happy! But still confused. He still likes her, but is so shy he can't bring himself to look at her. It's complicated.
He's a normal Japanese kid in the fact that he wants to buy animals crackers for the sole purpose of finding the secret animal cracker. The penguin. Nothing shall come between Kanji and finding the penguin. He also immediately takes to showing respect to the party by calling them senpai because (a) they are in fact older than him and (b) they saved him thus merit respect.
He's not exactly the brightest character ever, thinking that the kidnapped victims were being beaten to death with TVs after hearing the story. But he's overall a good kid. In fact, the whole TV special of him being in a biker gang was a lie. The truth was he beat up the bikers because the noise they made kept his mother up at night. It makes it much better because it shows how much he cares for his mother.
Also his desire to touch anything cute/soft or fuzzy is untold. Though he keeps it a secret. For the most part.
Abilites/Special Powers: First and foremost, Kanji has the ability to makes stuffed animals so cute that just looking at them would give you diabetes. The instantly fatal kind.
He's pretty adapt at fighting -- bare street brawling and using his favorite weapon - the mighty anything-he-can-get-his-hands-on-and-lay-the-smackdown-with. This includes but is not limited to folding chairs, school desks, and huge plates of iron.
Kanji's persona ( This game is basically a dating simulation and the date when non-plot related events occur is left to the player. I also think the following assumption is entirely plausible seeing as you have 3 months to max the link) is a huge behemoth by the name of Rokuten-Maoh. His original persona was Take-Mikazuchi, but due to his ability to overcome his heart's weaknesses, he grew stronger and thus his persona did too.
Rokuten-Maoh deals in all manner of electric and physical attacks. However, Kanji is obviously made to tank thus his magic is a little lacking, leaving his magical attacks weaker in comparison to his teammate's. And while the persona's physical attacks deal out mass damage, they drain on his health and energy in vast amounts and it's not recommended he use them too many times in a row.
Third-Person Sample: Kanji isn't so sure about this. He's nervous, fidgeting, looking directly at the elephant in the room that is looking back at himself.
The small stuff rabbit on the dead center on the shelf is looking back with it's glossy little eyes and rose adorned summer hat. It's cute. It's really freakin' cute.
But he voices his concern, that maybe no one will want to buy the thing, that it ain't worth it, and that it's nothing special since it was only made by her punk ass son who has a bigger record than stitches on that fuzzy fabric.
He doesn't listen to her answer, that old hag, about how someone will love it just how she does just by having it in the store, and starts to sulk off.
Even still, it doesn't stop Kanji from taking one last look at the thing before he actually retreats to his room to finish the kitten he'd started earlier that day. The rabbit remains cute.
Shoulda made it blue, he grumbles, 'the hell was I thinking with green.
First-Person Sample: [Well hello, Wonderland. There's a guy, a kid really as he only looks 16 or 17, grimacing and on his back in the gardens. He sits up, looking around and obviously confused to it all.]
Hey, uh...guys? Senpai?
Hey, what the hell is this?
[His demeanor immediately changes and he stands, yelling at everything and nothing, but especially at the camera he doesn't know about.]
Alright, what the hell is going on here! You think this is somethin' funny? Yeah I'll show you a real joke--with my fist!
I will bust your ass seven ways 'til Sunday! You hear me, I'm taking you down!!!
[He continues to yell and flail at nothing until the camera just politely shuts off.]