Character Name: Tybalt Valentio*, often referred to as Tybalt Capulet considering his allegience to the house but most commonly referred to by some variation on Tybalt Is Coming Oh God Run. A certain young nobleman had a habit of calling him “Prince of Cats”, after, well, Tybalt the Prince of Cats in the Reynard the Fox stories, but Tybalt hated this. (He doesn’t like most things.)
Character Series: Rómeó És Júlia: Szerelem A Gyûlölet Ellen (the Hungarian adaptation of Romeo et Juliette: de la Haine a l’Amour, which is itself a rather different take on the original Romeo and Juliet. This particular Tybalt follows the Hungarian script and the portrayal/likeness of Szilveszter Szabó, as well as some inspiration from how my roommate has played him in one-on-one chat rp with me).
Character Age: 23. He tends to come off as quite a bit older, due to his actor already being like 30 when the show premiered his gloomy, utterly mirthless bearing, which would better suit someone who’s lived through about five decades of soul-crushing misfortune.
Background: There was once a time when Tybalt was a happy, rather coddled child, with a somewhat immature but utterly devoted young mother and a protective, nurturing father some twenty years older than she was. Tybalt’s mother absolutely adored him, to the point of treating him somewhat more like a large doll than a child, but he was too young to mind or realize that being a six-year-old boy in skirts because your mother doesn’t want you to grow up is probably not the best start for a child’s life.
But Tybalt did have to grow up, and traumatically quickly. Both of his parents perished in a boating accident shortly after Tybalt’s seventh birthday, and while he was taken in by a peasant family who took pity on the nearly catatonic child, a set of relatives soon came forward to claim him. Those relatives were his father’s younger sister Diana and her elderly husband, a wealthy Veronese man of the Capulet family. Lord Capulet’s son by his late first wife had been the pride of Capulet’s life as well as predestined to be the Capulet family champion in their longstanding feud against the Montague family, but he had died at the age of seven. Tybalt was deemed the ideal replacement, with the bonus advantage in Lord Capulet’s eyes that as Tybalt wasn’t his son, he wouldn’t need anything like love that could distract him.
So ended Tybalt’s childhood. With his belongings and old clothes confiscated, he was forced into beginning an essentially military regimen devoid of affection that was intended to shape him into exactly the warrior Capulet wanted. It was a success; he was already a dull-eyed automaton blindly obeying his family’s requests by age ten.
Puberty brought fresh complications to Tybalt’s existence. The attachment he already felt for his younger cousin Julia sharpened into something much less innocent, though not as depraved as he thought. Tybalt became plagued by self-hatred for what he perceived as lust for the girl, but was really more of a strong and perhaps slightly unbalanced drive to keep her away from any man who could defile her, including himself. It was largely Tybalt’s actions that prevented Julia from being able to leave the Capulet household herself and make friends, Tybalt who made her more and more curious about that mysterious species known as Boys.
Boys were by then becoming an unwanted recurring theme in Tybalt’s life too. Mercutio, the nephew of the Prince of Verona, was able to spot an easy target a mile away and therefore busied himself whenever possible with making Tybalt’s life that much harder, simply through needling him over small details or quickly talking circles around him. Tybalt was already starting to have, er, interesting dreams that ran mainly on feelings of shame and incompetence; when he finally reached the age at which he really was usually out in Verona’s streets beating the shit out of any Montague who looked at him funny, those dreams managed to acquire a distinctly masochistic bent, though saying that he enjoyed anything about them is a bit of a stretch. His relationship with Mercutio was- we’ll say complicated as they grew older; Mercutio’s insults and physical annoyances acquired a distinctly flirtatious bent that Tybalt was fairly sure he despised, but could never be certain of.
The last thing Tybalt can recall before his arrival in Mayfield is attempting to kill Romeo Montague for daring to defile Julia with his unworthy affections, but instead accidentally stabbing the interfering Mercutio, which triggered a seizure before he returned in time to witness Mercutio’s death. For all his programming toward violence and apathy, it was the first time Tybalt had ever actually killed someone, and this filled him with such a dull horror that when Romeo Montague took Tybalt’s knife and seized Tybalt by the hair, Tybalt offered no resistance as Romeo slashed his throat open in vengeance.
He thought that would be the end. Fate evidently had other plans, depositing him in Mayfield.
He’s certain this is some kind of Hell.
Personality: In Verona, Tybalt was the kind of person mothers warned their children about. One might almost say that he comes close to projecting very little personality at all beyond an almost tangible gloom. This isn’t entirely inaccurate; a great deal of his ability to express emotion was burned away in his training. He is naturally quite bright and without intrinsic disabilities in reading others, but most of his intellectual capabilities were rewired into obedience and physical dexterity, and as a result, a stranger might perceive him as possibly even mildly autistic. This isn’t at all helped by the fact that he is quite literal-minded, unable to come up with more than awkwardly childish retorts to others’ witticisms, and also a lot of trouble modulating the tone of his voice. He tends to rapidly go hoarse when he shouts, and when he’s particularly incensed his voice becomes a rough, shrieking growl.
He is epileptic thanks to a riding accident as a child; his seizures are largely prompted by stress. (I assume this problem will go away in Mayfield. Yay, one spot of happy in his otherwise continually miserable life?)
Tybalt’s attitudes toward women in particular leave a great deal to be desired. He has a massive maiden/whore complex, though for him it’s mostly maiden until found whore, mothers excepting. He thinks this is due to his own desires for them; the truth is that he’s probably homosexual, or at least severely male-leaning. This idea hasn’t occurred to him, though; his experiences around the same sex haven’t exactly been revelatory pleasures either.
With others, particularly with his family, Tybalt has ramrod-straight, aggressive posture, often with instinctively clenched fists. His own devotion to authority is outmatched only by the degree to which he expected to be treated as one by his followers in the Capulet gang. In this new place, with no minions in sight, his body language is more likely to simply broadcast DON’T TOUCH ME. Alone, he virtually crumples in on himself.
(Once again, he will probably find Mayfield to be utter Hell.)
Physically, he is pretty much the epitome of wasted good looks. While it’s true that he has a slightly oddly-proportioned face, with a particularly low-set, downturned, broad mouth above a very short, square chin and eyelids so heavy that he almost always looks tired and ill, these would probably not be a flaw if he didn’t have a habit of standing with his head tilted down but his eyes glaring upwards, while his lower lip hangs to bare his lower front teeth. In Verona, nothing he wore really fit him properly, usually being a bit too loose on his long, wiry frame. He has a rather dark complexion for a European Caucasian person, brown eyes, and somewhat unruly dark brown hair that by now hits his shoulders pretty much because he stopped freaking caring about having it cut a year or two ago, and it seems almost as though he doesn‘t realize it‘s that long unless he‘s shoving it back from his eyes. Tybalt could probably be a particularly beautiful man if he tried, but most of the time he’s just a glaring, grimacing specter of a human being with his hair hanging draggled in his face, and he doesn’t particularly care. Despite his physical vitality, he gives off an unsettling air of some kind of sickness, even aside from the aforementioned epilepsy.
On the rare occasions he smiles, he shows far too many teeth, and is usually about to either have a seizure or a terrifying, thankfully rare bout of sarcasm.
He keeps a journal, but his writing style is extremely dry and capable of making the most fascinating details dull as dust. He’s not the most imaginative of creatures.
Tybalt has two responses to conflict: physical violence or sucking his teeth and stomping off. The latter usually only happens if there’s someone in authority looking on and humiliating him by forcing him to apologize. (He doesn’t apologize much anyway.) To a certain extent, incongruous with how old-before-his-time his bearing is, he still comes off like a scary overgrown juvenile delinquent, of the type that stands around on corners cleaning his nails with a knife.
Tybalt’s attitude toward life is essentially one of resignation. He dislike change and reacts poorly to it, but has come to believe that his own feelings on most matters are so insignificant that he usually bites back any objections he has about them, then goes off to sit and brood on them. To a certain extent, one could say that there is a dangerous malleability to Tybalt’s personality- while he does arrange his loyalties on tiers, so to speak (in Verona it was basically Capulets > the Prince > the church), he’s very easily controlled and cowed by whoever’s on the currently most relevant tier, and can be made to do pretty much whatever he’s told. This doesn’t mean he likes this, though- he was raised Catholic, after all, and despite that aforementioned hierarchy of authority, he spends a lot of time wondering what the hell he’s even doing and questioning why he doesn’t just rebel. The answer, though, seems obvious to him: he’s not even very certain he has a soul by now, and if he has one, it’s not his to do anything with. He’s highly suggestible, and has a very, very sketchily formed impression of himself as a person; he often feels as though he scarcely exists beyond being an instrument for his family’s use. He can’t imagine life any differently.
Tybalt’s chief defining characteristic is his temper, which is rather terrifyingly bad. He had no patience with gawking or slow-moving servants back home and typically rewarded insubordination with a kick to the face (though this is also at least partly an aspect of a chain of abuse- Tybalt‘s ways of mistreating servants in the Capulet household often reflected the number of times he himself was struck for arguing with his uncle and called an insolent half-wit). As for dealing with members of the Montague clan and their followers, he typically relied on his fists, his knife and his walking stick (the latter carried for no reason other than for striking people) when it came to dealing with them. His lack of any skill with cleverness in speech deeply frustrates him on a level he can’t even fully figure out.
And on top of all of this, he’s incredibly repressed. SO REPRESSED I CAN’T EVEN. Pleasure, to him, is an alien concept, and probably means he’s doing something wrong. He can’t usually bring himself to admit that he enjoys anything at all (though to be fair, hating yourself whenever you enjoy something is a good way to make sure you never fully enjoy it. PARADOX!).
The idea of marriage freaks the everloving fuck out of him. He’s been known to get physically ill and/or seize at the idea, which ought to make Mayfield just peachy for him, if you catch my drift. The idea of children upsets him even more.
Back in Verona, he had a primitive way of medicating himself against seizures that consisted pretty much of a mixture of sedative herbs and wine. Being without this will also upset him badly and make him even more skittish. HE’S ALWAYS UPSET, OKAY.
In spite of all of this, he does have enough of a tiny, pitiful, mostly-concealed vulnerable side that makes him extremely responsive to kindness, if he feels he can trust its source. Good luck trying to get that far, though. But if you do get there... well, you've probably earned his rather fanatical loyalty, and he'll fight for anyone that's able to have that impact on him. Part of the impact of his childhood being cut off so abruptly and so early is that he still has a rather childlike sense of "these are the people I'm supposed to love", and he will love those he feels like he needs to shelter from corrupting exterior forces.
TL;DR: Tybalt is unstable as all get-out.
Abilities: Pretty much everything he knows is unpleasantly detailed information on how to induce pain and obedience. In secret, he actually quite enjoys calligraphy, but he’s absolutely no good at it, and most attempts at this end with him screaming like a wounded animal and hurling an ink bottle at the wall.
1651 Albright Lane
Old Gregg |
shoeofbaileys OH GOD WHY.
Haruhi Fujioka |
specialtuna Not!daughter. Child. Thing.
HinaIchigo |
loli_ina_box A sweet (though also rather creepy) little girl who lives next door with even creepier drone parents and a not!brother that hasn't been encountered yet. Hina pretty blatantly resembles Tybalt's rather idealized impression of Julia as a child, so he's got a weirdly protective vibe toward her. This first manifested in the form of him bringing her food, and now Hina has somehow gotten herself convinced that Tybalt is the Nicest Person Ever and an ideal guest for tea parties. This flummoxes Tybalt so much that he can't really say no to her, but it's pretty obvious that he's got the closest thing to a "soft spot" (in the words of his mun's roommate: "It's more of a dent. Or a chink in the armor.") he's capable of having for her.
Garviel Loken |
lunawolves10th Shi-long Lang |
notwhipped Xion | chosenreplica
Nena Trinity |
partytoastess Euphemia li Brittania |
geassedmassacre Virginia Maxwell |
rapier_ex WE FEW, WE HAPPY FEW, WE BAND OF BROTHERS- well, except for the happy part. And the bit about the brothers, as four of them are in fact young girls, a section of the population Tybalt would normally disapprove of being involved in the kind of thing that tied the group together. But the point remains that Garviel is now the Glorious Commander as far as Tybalt's concerned (a role to which the rather hilariously manly and paternal Garviel is ridonkulously suited), and Lang, Xion, Tybalt, Nena and Euphie comprised Garviel's squad during the raid on the dairy that capped off the events following the mysterious appearance of the highway. They fought and bled together, and while none of them was obligated to care about the others or keep each other from falling behind, that's exactly what happened. This kind of non-obligatory camaraderie was new to Tybalt, and it left a strong impression on him. These people are, in an odd way, his new family.
Reaver |
karma_houdini As far as Tybalt is concerned, Reaver's a cruel joke on the part of Fate, filling the whole "asshole for whom everything is a big joke (often involving sexual intimations)" vacuum left now that Tybalt doesn't have to deal with Mercutio. However, he's got the added negative of (so far, anyway) not actually being as Goddamned irresistible in the worst possible ways as Mercutio was, and his foppishness strikes Tybalt as safely infuriating. Only time will tell where this is going.
*In the actual original text of Romeo and Juliet, it’s established that Tybalt is Lady Capulet’s brother’s son, which means he’s not actually a Capulet by birth, and earlier there’s a reference to “Signor Valentio and his nephew Tybalt”, which probably means that's his actual last name.
Threadhopping with this character?: Yes.
Backtagging with this character?: Yes.
Hugging this character?: He will, um, possibly react violently.
Giving this character a kiss?: He will definitely react violently unless he's already intimately involved with you. (Or unless you are a lady, in which case he will just stare like THE FUCK WAS THAT?)
Something more intimate?: Um, only if he's gotten to know you and really likes you. Or alternately, really hates you.
Relationships?: I'm willing to consider playing out this sort of thing, but not right away. Give stuff a chance to develop, if you're interested, and I'll see if I can see it going there.
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): You will be punched back (men) or violently shoved (women).
Injury?: Ask first.
Death?: Ask first.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: His berserk buttons are his aunt and cousin, mostly. Mentioning them (if this somehow comes up) is an implicit contract by which you accept the inherent risks of getting him angry.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Everything you might need to know is
Please respond regarding the following:
1. Can Tybalt ever get into a physical altercation with your character?
2. Is he allowed to win? (This can have kind of severe consequences.)