How on earth is it -- oh, never mind, hello, hello, and welcome back to the land of the living, my dear Eurydice, and who can we thank for your return? Or is it all your own ingenuity?
This is me, Juilliard, of course it's all my own ingenuity. I'm not all surprised to see that you're still about-- now that I know T.H.E.Y. is still about-- you were always resiliant that way.
Cockroaches are appreciable in their own way, and they have their uses. You can use them as weapons, you know. Few things will get people to recoil faster than certain insects.
Italy, actually. Florence. City of arts, music, and the mob.
When I get back from this world, I'll do that, then. Do you still take your coffee the same way?
Comments 52
-- Hold on, does this mean T.H.E.Y. is still alive?
I could ask the same of you.
Oh my sweet benificent lords and ladies.
How on earth is it -- oh, never mind, hello, hello, and welcome back to the land of the living, my dear Eurydice, and who can we thank for your return? Or is it all your own ingenuity?
Where is your particular purgatory? Weren't you in ... Spain, or was it Portugal? Were there bulls?
I do believe you promised me a cup of coffee before you left, you know. I insist on us keeping the bargain.
Italy, actually. Florence. City of arts, music, and the mob.
When I get back from this world, I'll do that, then. Do you still take your coffee the same way?
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