I'm working to increase the bandwidth, Pae. It should be fine.
That said, people should be sending large amounts of information. We're getting a few transfers from other branches of W.E., and I've been altering security measures so that stranded agents can get in contact, with some fairly good results-- both Owen and Enny are a result of the alterations.
Unfortunately, in order to make space I've had to delete about three months worth of agent communication from the mainframe, so it won't be there for reference any more, but I do have it all saved on a personal server if you, or anyone else, needs the transcripts for reference. It shouldn't be a problem, though.
Comments 6
So, since you're busy, I guess lunch is out, huh? Want me to bring you something from the cafeteria?
-- there, now, this system's friendlier.
I would prefer cold home cooked something. Less likely to be contaminated with whatever bored server put in there.
Come to think of it, I've never seen a cafeteria worker.
Maybe Val has.
I'll bring you something down in a few minutes, love.
I thought you'd appreciate the leisure time.
That said, people should be sending large amounts of information. We're getting a few transfers from other branches of W.E., and I've been altering security measures so that stranded agents can get in contact, with some fairly good results-- both Owen and Enny are a result of the alterations.
Unfortunately, in order to make space I've had to delete about three months worth of agent communication from the mainframe, so it won't be there for reference any more, but I do have it all saved on a personal server if you, or anyone else, needs the transcripts for reference. It shouldn't be a problem, though.
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