man o man. livejournal can be pretty fuckin lame. everyone's always sad and depressed. i want all my friends to be happy again. everyone...lets get together and fuckin party. oriana, come up here.
you just got logged on!no_dramaJanuary 3 2006, 03:47:13 UTC
Hey Alex...yeah I know, fuckin' Eeyore over here. I always write when I'm depressed. I rarely write when I'm happy. People aren't happy cause they're in a rut. YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE RUT!
Re: oh yeahno_meet_pleezJanuary 10 2006, 06:07:59 UTC
well guess what... i need a fuckin tattoo! so there. i want the giving tree on my forearm. i think i may have told you about that already and i got the book from steven for xmas so now i can resize it and everything.
you want a tattoo, eh? It would be cool if you and steven could come to the city, but i'll make a trip upstate at some point, f necessary.
well, here's the deal with getting a tattoo: you make the drawing the exact size you want it, show it to me, and then for a nominal fee you receive a tattoo. I touch up everything for free, if there are any problems after it heals.
i definitely don't charge as much as a shop, for obvious reasons. but i have to charge now because it takes time and supplies (and i'm broke as a j-j-j-oke)
on to other business...
what do you guys do, besides work?? i still haven't been to your house, and i haven't heard about anyone else going there either. what gives? I would go there, but, you know, the whole 100 miles away thing.
anyhow, give a call sometime, preferrably on the weekend (cell phones are the devil) 559-3903 (not long distance)
Comments 4
viva la ratrace
well, here's the deal with getting a tattoo: you make the drawing the exact size you want it, show it to me, and then for a nominal fee you receive a tattoo. I touch up everything for free, if there are any problems after it heals.
i definitely don't charge as much as a shop, for obvious reasons. but i have to charge now because it takes time and supplies (and i'm broke as a j-j-j-oke)
on to other business...
what do you guys do, besides work??
i still haven't been to your house, and i haven't heard about anyone else going there either. what gives? I would go there, but, you know, the whole 100 miles away thing.
anyhow, give a call sometime, preferrably on the weekend (cell phones are the devil)
559-3903 (not long distance)
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