(no subject)

May 05, 2006 00:34

Various foods and treats (left to right)
A) FMR land hermit crab food (about 50% left)
B) FMR land hermit crab treat (fruity, hardly used)
C) Crab Island fruit & flower crab food (full up to top of label, my crabs loved this)
D) Hermit crab variety bites (hardly used)
E) Hermit crab cookies (full up to 1 cm below top of label)

Stuff to climb on. (left to right)
A) Natural fishing net
B) Cholla wood
C) Cork bark

A LOT of shells
Mostly turbo/peth shells, some shark/whale eyes, etc.
All natural, except for one painted shell (natural shells are healthier for them)

A light purple water dish with an attached palm tree, and 4 sponges

ALL GONE. Sent to iateyourface 10/3.
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