Recently, I posted telling you all that I was leaving for the Marine Corps and wouldn't be back for a few months. Well, I went down to what they call "MEPS" where they height/weight you and process all your paperwork before you leave
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If you are my friend, you should really read this.I don't know who even reads this anymore. I have to leave my goodbye post because I am going to be gone for about 4 months. I am heading out tomorrow at 8am and will spend most of my day in a hotel, wondering what I have coming to me within a day. You see, I have been waiting for this opportunity
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You kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!
I haven't worked on art very much at all since I left school -- ok, not at all. School killed my drive for it because of the people I had to work around. I can't blame a lack of resources or materials considering the wide range of materials I have used before. However, it is a little harder when they aren't so readily available, you don't have a
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I realized that I haven't really put up any pics of myself on here very often, and especially not recently. So, in light of the new pics I took, I decided to post them on here considering I posted them on MySpace as well and I know that some of you can't see them because you aren't members. Besides, LJ pics are fun...right?
Well, I haven't been doing much lately that is LiveJournal-worthy. I did go out on a little picnic-type thing with 2 of my best friends, which I will update about as soon as I upload the pics from that day. My family bought a new house which I will stil have this kick-ass room in for when I come home and such, so that's cool. Not much else to
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