hello iv waited here for you ....EverLOng

Jul 23, 2005 17:03

my mom and dad said that im learning to stand on my own two feet.
i think its funny that they say this.
because i never knew i wasnt standing on my own in the first place.
they also called me manipulative.
now i find this even funnier because if i was so manipulative you would think i would be happier.
<.3 ali

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Comments 4

takeoutmarkers July 23 2005, 14:14:34 UTC
it's funny how the children need to learn how to deal with them these days. seems backwards.


bluest_iris July 23 2005, 16:31:08 UTC


doctorwelosthim July 23 2005, 18:14:32 UTC
yo, i miss you too! what have you been up to all summer?, see you around school


anonymous July 25 2005, 08:15:59 UTC
I know you, and I don't think you would be happier by being more manipulative. It's not a good trait. Anyway, maybe what they're talking about, and what you are thinking, are two different things.


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