I love a good link fest myself. I take it that is a new story from the writer in question? Well if you know poker, I'll take that bet from you and raise you an original in progress story by an a fave author of mine... mind you if this project is anything some of her other projects the 14 existing parts are liable to grow into a 14 more...
Nice card you trow on me. Really interesting story. Will try to add your friend to get update when new chapter is out.
But I have one more story for you. I don't know if you read it or not but the story is called "The Brotherhood" and there are 14 chapters. The story is work in progress. Let me tell you - its fantastic story.
I wasn't ignoring you story suggestion just so you know. I just am not going to clink on that first link and have my IP address added to some LIST... and the second link doesn't seem to want to open for me. I'm sure I would like the story baring any squicky content. You've said you like happy stories; so, I'm thinking I would be ok with the majority of your rec's.
Comments 4
But I have one more story for you. I don't know if you read it or not but the story is called "The Brotherhood" and there are 14 chapters. The story is work in progress. Let me tell you - its fantastic story.
http://www.freegaysex.com/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-brotherhood/ - here you get 1-13 chapters
the 14 chapter is here
Do tell how you liked it
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