OOC: Info on Tim Drake

Jan 11, 2006 14:45

First: A picture of my avatar for Tim, with the smirk and everything.


Brief (way brief, zomg brief) History on the BatFamily
In the beginning, there was Batman and lo, it was good, and that was the first day. But Batman became lonely and looked for companionship and since it was the 50's and things like that were not yet looked down on, he found it in a young orphan named Dick. Dick became Robin and again, because it was the 50's and people didn't look down on it, was dressed in green panties, pixie shoes and a bright red tunic to go out and fight crime. and that was the 2nd day.

Villains were foiled and wacky hijinks were had, Batgirl came onto the scene and suddenly The Boy Wonder was becoming less boyish and more like a Teenager, and that was the 3rd day. And then the day did come when Dick Grayson believed himself to old to be Robin (or had an explosive fight with Bruce, depending on which retcon you read, there have been hundreds) and he hung up his panties for a swinging Elvis Collar to become NightWing. and that was the Fourth day.

And then another young boy came into Batman's life, a young boy who (Post-Crisis) meets Batman while attempting to lift the tires off the Batmobile. Batman believes that this tire stealer is the perfect choice for Robin, as any sane person would, and lo, we have the 2nd Boy to don the panties and tights! And that was the 5th day. Sadly (Post-Crisis) Jason was a bit... difficult. He ran around with his temper barely in check and it wasn't really a surprise when, after being beaten nearly to death with a crowbar (exhibit 1 on why the Joker is the most fucked up villain EVER) and explodeded fans voted to give him the axe. And it was sad, and that was the 6th day.

Then, on the seventh day, instead of resting like some other shiftless layabouts one might mention, DC kept at it. And now we have Tim, and lo, the Sabbath is indeed holy.

Tim's History, or, How is he not the Suiest Sue to ever Sue?

Tim's parents, Jack and Janet Lynn Drake, were wealthy Gothamites with a full social calendar and not much free time. They were also really awful parents. They didn't beat him, or not feed him, but Tim was left alone for much of his formative years. (Don't ask the mun about how this lead to his fixation on Batman and Robin unless you have time for her to armchair psychoanalyze Tim for quite sometime). Despite this, they managed to take Tim to the Circus as a boy and despite the mun's hatred for clowns and general non approval of The Circus in general, this turns out to be a good thing.

So Tim goes to Haley's Circus and meets Dick Grayson (who is maybe, 8 years older than him). He even takes a picture and sits on Dick's lap. Dick tell's him, 'I'm going to perform for you today,' or something to that effect, which Tim thinks is just so nifty. Later, Dick performs an acrobatic move (a quadruple somersault) that only three other people in the world can do and Tim cheers at the idea of it being for him. Sadly, this is the same day Dick's parents are killed and Tim watches (at the age of 5-7) while two people he just met plunge horribly to their deaths. Add Batman swooping in for Dick, and you have yourself a ready-made obsession.

With all his free alone time, Tim collects information on Batman and Robin. He follows the news reports, newspaper articles, everything. And every night he dreams of Dick doing the quadruple somersault and of Batman saving him and generally he obsesses about Dick, Batman and Robin for the entirety of his young life. Then, when watching the news one evening, Tim sees a clip of Batman and Robin on a security camera. In the clip, Robin does a quadruple sommersault to knock out some random thug and Tim puts the pieces together. There follows an investigation and Tim comes up with other evidence that Robin is Dick Grayson and Batman is Bruce Wayne. He's about 10, maybe 11 years old. Sometime between the Circus and now Tim's mother dies. I am completely blanking on what she dies of, just know that she's dead and Tim doesn't really talk about it.

Then Jason dies and Batman goes a bit crazy. Tim, knowing that Robin's had switched because he was now obsessing over Dick, Batman, Robin and Bruce, tracks down Dick (now Nightwing) and pleads with him to become Robin again. It doesn't work and Tim finally offers to do it himself, stating that Batman needs a Robin.

He undergoes his training and then branches off on his own. Lot's of adventures are had (including Tim facing off against The Joker all on his own!) and Tim even gets himself a girlfriend, a young vigilante by the name of The Spoiler (Stephanie Brown). The two of them flirt for a while, with Tim unwilling to tell her his true identity and begin dating after Batman tells Stephanie Robin's identity when he sends her on an errand for him (please don't discuss this with the mun, she will froth and it won't be pretty). Tim is sent to a boarding school for 'troubled kids' when his parents (Jack and new stepmom Dana) think his evening activities are criminal in nature.

Then something happens and Tim as to move back home, which is great as far as Tim sees it because this way he doesn't have to commute so far for patrol and he can get to know his dad. Unfortunately it also means there is parental supervision and his bruises and such won't be let go as easliy as they were at boarding school. Tim tells a lie, Jack finds out it's a lie and then goes through Tim's room looking for an explanation. He finds the Robin suit. In an (poorly written) angst fest of epic proportion Jack gives Tim a choice. Either he quits being Robin, or Jack presses charges against Bruce, Dick, Barbara, Alfred and possibly even Cassandra for child endangerment. Tim chooses to quit.

War Games
He's replaced by Stephanie Brown (who is still dating Tim, but there's is a strained relationship) and starts going to a new school where he befriends Darla (a mobsters daughter). He's clearly interested in her but doesn't act on his feeling because of his relationship with Stephanie, whom he still had feelings for. Stephanie has to much to prove though and makes rash, dangerous decisions. Seeing echoes of Jason in her, Bruce fires her (Robin IV didn't last long). Thinking maybe she can prove herself to him, she sets in motion one of Batman's many contingency plans. In this case, a War Games scenario that would allow him to take control of all the gangs in Gotham (Yes, Allie stole it from canon).

The problem is that Stephanie doesn't tell anyone what she's done and so there is a city-wide gang war going on that the BatFamily and the police have to fight. batman figures out what's going on eventually but sadly, not in enough time to save several lives. Darla is killed when rival mobsters decide to strike back at her father. Countless bystanders die, police officers and even Stephanie herself. She's killed by Black Mask (tortured with powertools and then beaten with a crowbar a la Jason Todd) and all she can say in the end is that she never broke. Even for those of us (*coughTheMuncough*) that disliked Stephanie, it's a sad moment. Black Mask uses the situation to become the new head of Gotham City crime.

Identity Crisis
Around the same time all this happens (DC is really handwavey about the timeline IIRC) an event called 'Identity Crisis' happened. In it, Captain Boomerang (a Flash villian from back in the Barry Allen days (which was a long time ago)), is hired to kill Jack Drake, in an attempt to throw off the BatFamily. He succeeds, though he is himself killed by Jack. Tim hears the entire thing on his radio while rushing to the scene.

Tim decides to leave for Blüdhaven, where his stepmother Dana is recieving psychiatric treatment for a mental breakdown she had after Jack died. He falsifies documents that says he has an uncle in Blüdhaven in order to escape from being Bruce's ward, documents that almost fool Bruce. In a (poorly written) goodbye scene, Bruce says he's proud of the deception, that it's proof that Tim's really getting better.

Titans of the Future
In an arc that occured in the same RL timeline as the two stories above, but likely happened just prior to in canon, Tim's superhero group, the Teen Titans travel to the future to meet their future selves. Tim is now Batman in this alternate reality. He carries a gun (the gun that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne) and uses it to kill some one (Joker's Daughter? mun can't remember). He's the leader of the Titans and... it's all terribly dark with Tim ordering Superboy to use his heat vision to torture Slade and a lot of really awful stuff. Tim resolves after returning to the present that he'll never be Batman.

Unlike the Robins that came before him, Tim's strengths don't lie in his physical abilities. He's a detective, first and foremost. His goal in life is to become the World's Greatest detective (a title currently held by Batman). To this end, Tim is just as likely to try and think his way out of trouble as fight his way out.

This isn't to say Tim is lacking in physical prowess. He's trained hard and studied under various masters all over the world (Like Lady Shiva, the world's greatest assasination) and is now an accomplished martial artist. I'm simply explaining that he's no acrobat (like Dick) or even a street fighter (like Jason). He's also always looking to improve himself so if you're character is a fighter and maybe wants to spar or something, Tim would be more than happy to oblige you.

Tim uses a bo staff in addition to your standard issue Bat Gadgets.

Tim isn't trying to play you. I swear. You might think he is, but he's not doing that on purpose. The problem Tim has is... he doesn't actually have a personality. He's completely the prodcut of what the people around him need. He adapts, naturally and instantaneously to every situation.

Unlike the Robin's that came before him, Tim doesn't have an essentially self-directed reason to be Robin (Dick had his parents, Jason had a desire to prove himself). In Tim's own words, "Batman needs a RObin," and so he fills the shoes. And if he's doing it, he's going to do it well. He's become exactly what Bruce needs from a partner at this point. So, if you notice him maybe acting differently around you than he does around some one else, that's because that's the way Tim is. He's a chameleon that's designed himself not to stand out.

Also, Tim is highly repressed. I realize that what with him being part of the BatFamily that's like saying water is wet but Tim is different. Tim? makes Bruce look like a happy, well adjusted individual. If it's not part of the job, if it won't help him be more effective, he likely won't bother. He doesn't talk about his feelings and he doesn't get touchy feely with people (even those he's close with).

  • Sexuality: Tim has had nothing but girlfriends in canon but this isn't neccessarily indicative of anything other than him knowing that he'll stand out less if he dates girls. It's canon that he spent his entire young life obsessed with Dick, and all of his closest relationships are with boys. I don't think it's a stretch to say he could be Bi. Having said that, he's also a virgin in every sense of the word and doesn't seem to mind. There's been no indication of Tim even wanting to have sex, whereas other BatFamily members (*coughDickcough*) are much more sexually active. That's not to throw you off, hell, maybe you'd like the challenge. *g*
  • Scars: Tim has a lot of scars. Tons of scars. I've seen the Alex Ross painting of Batman's scars and I'm thinking Tim? the same only a little less so. If you happen to see him without his shirt on? Feel free to mention it/be horrified.
  • Bruce: The Bruce IG is not Tim's Bruce, but he does look similar. Feel free to notice the similarities between the two of them (It's canon that the Robins (Post Crisis) all look similar to Bruce). Go ahead and mention Gotham. Bruce mun and I have decided to break our own brains with the meta and as such It's a playground.
  • Tim's Gotham: Tim's Gotham suffered a 7.6 earthquake not to long ago, shortly before this, an ourbreak of the Ebola Gulf A virus had spread through the city killing thousands. As the bodies piled up, Gotham waited for federal aid. In the end, Congress decided that there was nothing in Gotham woth saving and gave the inhabitants 24 hours in which to leave the city after which, it was going to be declared a Federal No Man's Land. The Bridges were condemned, the subway tunnels caved in and the river mined.

    Unfortunately not everyone got out and what followed was a year of hell. Tim snuck back into Gotham after his family was evacuated, to help in Batman's War on the escaped inmates of Arkham (who'd set up feudalistic territories among themselves). He saw a lot of death, experienced true hunger and the experience matured him even more.
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