Pendragon convinces Merlin to get him some (Igrainne) in return for whatever comes of his lust (In this case, Arthur). Igrainne is the Duke of Cornwall's wife, and Uther wanting her kinda hurts their alliance. So, Merlin changes Uther's appearance to make him look like the Duke (who is out of the castle to find Uther and beat him).
The Duke's daughter (Morgana) can sense his death, but Uther (as the Duke) show's up, tucks her in, and sets to making love with her mom.
Arthur is concieved (and born the next scene).
Merlin then comes to collect the baby (much to Uther and Igrainne's dismay) and saunters off with it. Uther goes after and is ambushed and he runs Excalibur into a stone (he who pulls the sword from the stone shall be king). Uther dies.
Arthur becomes a trustworthy young man, squire to his knight brother. He frees Excalibur by accident, then again on purpose. He then finds out Merlin gave him over to his current family. Arthur is all like 'wha?' and the mod is like 'wha?' and Patrick Stewart (some knight) is like 'Whatever'. Then Merlin takes Arthur away from all the jealous knights. Arthur is a little skiddish at first, but Merlin calms him down. He settles into the role and goes to save poor Patrick Stewart from the seige on his castle (due to his 'whatever' of support for Arthur). Arthur, in a smooth bit of operation, gets a knight to knight him (in mid battle, no less) and gains their allegiance. He also gets wounded, in another smooth operation, and has Patrick's daughter help heal him (Guinevere). Then, he wants to marry her and have babies.
He meets Lancelot (a wicked excellent knight) and jausts him for loyalty. They fight like mad and Arthur breaks Excalibur (with his pride and rage) and gets all emo. But, before he can paint his nails black, the lady of the lake (Morgana La Fee) appears with it fully formed once more. Lancelot then joins Arthur as his champion, pledging his life to the king. Aw.
Arthur and his knights win the war against their enemies, and the round table comes into being. He says he'll make a castle, hall and have a wife. Enter Guinevere once more.
Lancelot comes to pick Guin up (being the most honourable of knights) and she so starts crushing on him. He says he will always love her as his Queen and will love no other. Can you say 'enabler?'
Morgana shows up at the wedding (crazy witch sister). She and Merlin bond over Christianity taking over their time. And many omnimous glances are shared over Guin and Arthur and Lancelot.
Then Perceval shows up, and, to impress Lancelot (can you say man crush?) kills a bunny. He wants to be a knight, or at least a squire. He becomes Lance's squire after a 20 days run after his horse (aw). They return to the great castle of Camelot to drop Perce off, but Lance does not stay after seeing Guin.
Morgana shows how much she is lusting for Merlin, and Liam Nesson (Gawain) points out that Guin is so hot for Lancelot (Dur). Arthur is like 'wha?', Guin is like 'Wha-no! *Frantically puts away Lance pin-ups*' and Liam is like 'Sorry, butyes.' And so Arthur is like 'Yeah...Well...I challenge you to fight Lancelot!' for he figures that it's all good. Guin gets antsy (for it is NOT all good) and Lancelot prays to be purged of his love for Guin. He stabs himself. Idiot.
The next day, Lance doesn't show, so Perce says he'll do it, and is knighted to defend the Queens honour (more like LACKING honour, the skank). But then, Lance shows up anyway and goes for it (though all bloody from hs stupid wound). And still wins. Gets Liam to say the Queen is innocent. Lance still comes close to death, and Arthur wants Lance to live. Merlin helps, says Arthur will have a son (though not by whoooo. Dun dun dunnnn.
Lance then buggers off to sleep in the forest, and Guinever goes after him, of course.Whore.
And Arthur knows! He talks to Merlin about it, and Merlin says 'grow up' and takes off ('This world is done for me'). So, Arhtur is left on his own. Merlin then goes to Morgona and tells her he's leaving. He takes her to 'the coils of the dragon' to learn before he does.
Arthur flips and stabs the land between Guin and Lancelot in the forest, so they know that he knows (that they know that he knows that they know and so on.)
Morgana then traps Merlin in ice, to make up for Merlin getting Uther laid so many yeaars ago. Merlin planned on doing it to her, but, oh, did she show him.
Morgana then tricks Arthur into doing her (as magic was mainly used for SEX at this time) and concieves a child. It is born the next scene.
Arthur is struck by lighting at the baptism. Ouch.
The people are starving and dirty now, for Arthur IS the land, and the Grail must be found, so sick Arthur says.
Arthur is weak and muttery, and he tells his nkights to go out and seek it for him. they travel all over the world in search of it (or, all over britain).
Nameless knight (they were all hairy at this point, making it hard to tell them apart. Perceval, we think) is lead by Mordred (omg bastard brother/sister love son!) into a wasteland to Morgana with promise of the Grail, which is a rouse. He is hung in a tree. But manages to somehow survive, seeing visions of the grail nonetheless.
All the while, Morgana is trainning Mordred and makes him armour which cannot be pierced. He then goes to Camelot to demand it. Arthur says no. Mordred gets pissed and promises to come back and fight for it. Biotch.
Perceval gets his balls back and goes back on the quest after some time wondering the forest like a wild man.
Speaking of wild man, Lancelot has become a crazy priest like character. WTF? He renounced his knighthood and grew his hair out.
Perceval is nearly drown by the crazy villagers, and again, near death, sees the grail. After a clever game of twenty questions, he recieves it and takes it to weak Arthur. Weak Arthur drinks from it, and Strong King Arthur is back, baby. He and his knights ride off to kick some ass (choral theme music proceeds them).
Arthur goes to Guinevere (who is apparantly a nun now, wtf? She was a fucking adultress, people!And wearing white?! Who's she kidding? Certainly not God, I tell you that!) and forgives her for doing the nasty with Lance. He gives her an epic speech and she give him Excalibur back (She kept it all those years. Why? I dunno. She coulda gave it back, but hey..some people are weird about their ex's stuff.) Arthur still dreams of having her as a wife in the afterlife, gross.
Arthur calls Merlin, hoping to have a wizard on his side, and Merlin speaks to him from his prison, THEN appears to him in his dreams (As well as in Arthur's lesser known brother, Kay). He then appears in Morgana's tent (huh wha?) and begins to taunt her (oooh..Clever) and tricks her into using all her magic power to make mist (they call it dragon's breath, I call it fucking fog). She uses her 'pretty makin' powers and gets all old and ugly, and mordred is confused, and seeing an old lady, he, naturally, kills her dead. Go figure.
the battle commences between Arthur's lot and Mordred's people (Who hear Arthur coming not only by the sound of horses hooves, but by the epic choral music that occompanies them wherever they go). But, it's so confusing with all the mist and choral music. Lancelot comes in out of no where, flailing his sword like mad and screaming bloody murder. Well. He dies in Arthur's arms, a knight (though alos a crazy) once more.
Suddenly, out of the mist, comes Mordred and he and Arthus kill each other in an epic (yeah, right) embrace. Excalibur is then taken to be thrown into a 'pool of calm water'. But, erce didn't wanna. Arthur, still dying, and rather slowly at that, urges him to do so again, and so he does, returning the sword to the Lady of the Lake (wait, wasn't that Morgana? No.). He returns just in time to see Arthur being carried off to sea on a funeral pyre dealy.
the End.
Oh god i love med studies. And Latin. And my buddy Ben in both classes. And Lisa in English is lovely and I've Brad in psych one really in hist yet, but i'm working on it. oh classes are a hoot and I'm so excited about my med paper, i get to pretend to be a young priest, describing the gothic style church i am working in! heehaw! or i might do a character profile, but I doooubt it.
THEN, my next paper is going to be from the point of view of a person at the christmas celebrations at Charlemagne's place! heeeehaw!
I have an English mixer tommorow and am making a cd for it, hoorah! The english major society is lovely, very welcoming, and I hope I get on with everyone there! and omg they have a film society! how awesome is that?! every week a group memeber is chosen to pick a film to bring in to watch! Heehaw, what will I bring? OH, what am I saying, Quills! oooh or The Court Jester...uuhh haha
Anyway. I should be off, there is Latin to be learned!
Vale, duudes!