Title: Hurting Cycle
Pairing: Kibum/Eunhyuk/Shiwon
Genre: Oneshot, Angst, AU
Warning: badass!Kibum
A/N: Written in the third person's view; you might found it a bit confusing.
You woke up beside him that day, and you felt happy because the first thing you saw that day was him (and you wondered whether he felt the same, but you knew the answer already). Good morning, he said to you, with a bright smile on his face; a fake smile. You just smiled back at him, equally wide, equally bright, but your smile was real.
I'm sorry for last night, he apologized sincerely (he tried to make it sound like that, but you knew he never meant it). It's okay, you said, I knew you didn't mean it. You were drunk. You forgave him easily, and he knew you always would.
He took your bruised wrist, blowing along the red marks purposely to ease the pain he gave you last night. Are you hurt, he asked. You were still smiling. No, you said, I'm okay. You were always okay; everything he did, every word he said, you were always okay with him.
I never meant to hurt you, he uttered his lies as he looked straight into your eyes. Strangely, you trusted him, with all your heart,
I believe you.
And he smiled contently, knowing that you bought his lies, like always...
You came out from your bathroom, with damp hair and cold feet, when you looked at your wallet lying on the bed. You noticed the notes you earned yesterday was gone, but you pretended like you didn't see it.
You went down the apartment, and as soon as you stepped outside, someone greeted you with a long kiss, which you returned without any hesitation.
I miss you, he said, sincerely (really sincerely) as he looked into your eyes longingly.
And this time, you were the one who was faking it,
I miss you too.
And he would believe you, like he always did…
And the hurting cycle continues……
A/N: ‘He’ in the first part was Kibum while ‘he’ in the second part was Shiwon. Basically Kibum used Eunhyuk because Eunhyuk loved him, and Eunhyuk used Shiwon because Shiwon loved him.