what is past i am anna sheridan… john's wife. what if anna hadn't been a shadow agent? babylon 5. john/delenn, john/anna. au after shadow dancing, vague spoilers up to racing mars. 16,800 words. pg13. this was written for scifibigbang, where gryphon2k is my artist.
I've been missing a lot JD's fan-fiction, and I was feeling a little melancholic, so I tried to read the first fan-fiction I came across that was on jumpnow.de....but it's empty! there nothing there :'(...Did you know what happen to the site? i'm so sad :(
title; A Star to Follow pairing; John/Delenn rating + words; PG + 1,040 summary; Delenn's read about Christmas, of course, but there are some things she still finds strange.
Most of you have probably seen this already, but posting it here, too, for those who haven't:
emotion in motion let's get it on. fifty reasons to have sex. babylon 5. john/delenn. spoilers for everything, partly au/partly canon(-compliant). 28,400 words. pg-r. for the fifty reasons to have sex fic fest.
there's a drumming noise inside my head (that starts when you're around) he'd had to physically drag himself away before he did anything stupid like proposition the minbari ambassador after just one date. delenn, however, had other ideas. babylon 5. john/delenn. set soon after the long, twilight struggle. 1,460 words. nc17.